Taxi to Parking
My Mini 2 is really getting laggy and is totally out of space. Time for an upgrade!
Holy cow, I exceeded mini 2 capabilities years ago, then the mini 4 about a year ago
It looks like a nice little step up, if I had a 4 I'd definitely jump but my 5 really isn't lacking in any way and I don't really see the point in trading up every year just to be current.
Anyone with a mini *older* than the 5 should upgrade NOW. Since Apple hasn't been updating the Mini very often, it's best to buy one right when it comes out and upgrade every time. It's already been 2.5 years since the Mini 5 was introduced, and the Mini 4 is already 7 year old technology.
When you get it, Please give us a report of how well the screen works in direct daylight. I’m worried that it’s “only 500 nits”, but the anti-reflective should help.
The Mini 5 has the same 500 nits. I use it all the time, and I've never felt like it wasn't bright enough.
Holy cow, how much memory does Foreflight consume? My Garmin Pilot uses 3.65gb.
For both, the amount of space they use is mostly dependent on how much you download. If you have low, high, VFR, and approach charts plus high-resolution terrain for the entire country, it's gonna suck up a lot. If you have VFR and no terrain for a limited area, pretty small. The ForeFlight app itself is somewhat larger than Garmin Pilot, but only by megabytes, not gigabytes, and both are in the neighborhood of 1/4 gig. In ForeFlight, I have 41GB of documents and data downloaded - Jeppesen and government Low, High, VFR, Approach/taxi charts for most of the country, POHs and avionics/accessory manuals for both my plane and the work planes, several thousand pages worth of FAA-required "paper"work for part 135, and plenty of FAA and Jeppesen publications... And of course, when there's a new chart cycle, I'll have doubles of all the charts. Needless to say, I don't use a 64GB iPad.