Touchdown! Greaser!
Levil Technology Announces New Handheld: AHRS, GPS, ADSB-in for GA iPad info and more, in palm-sized pilot’s tool
The new iLevil SW is a clean-sheet design, an iPad-compatible, fully self-contained “panel in the palm of your hand” device. This lightweight device gives attitude information; has a WAAS GPS for charts and synthetic vision; displays information from external hardware such as an engine monitors; and is an ADSB-in receiver. With a rechargeable 3-hour battery, it lasts longer than most flights; and it is rechargeable through a USB port – or by its built-in solar panel.
The new iLevil SW is a clean-sheet design, an iPad-compatible, fully self-contained “panel in the palm of your hand” device. This lightweight device gives attitude information; has a WAAS GPS for charts and synthetic vision; displays information from external hardware such as an engine monitors; and is an ADSB-in receiver. With a rechargeable 3-hour battery, it lasts longer than most flights; and it is rechargeable through a USB port – or by its built-in solar panel.