I am an Air Traffic Controller at ADS, in all my years of expierence, I have never seen as many Runway Incursions as I have at this airport. I followed this thread with some interest and I have yet to see a feasible answer to the problem. Is this new phraseology the tower chief instituted the answer, probably not. I think its use by the controllers is rude and degrading to the pilots, and inconsistant with the rules governing ATC and it makes us look bad as professionals.
How it all started, about two years ago the FAA increased the Runway Safety Zone Requirement, thus forcing Addison Airport Officials to move the hold short lines, now the hold short lines run right along the edge of Taxiway Alpha. Pilots are turning to face the runway and crossing the lines. In some cases they have read the instructions back and still crossed them. Now its not just pilots, but I can only think of three incursions that did not invlove a pilot. However we look at this it is still to many.
We need an answer as to how to fix this problem and we are looking at it, simple solution,
move the hold short lines back to their original location and issue a waiver for Addison. Tried that, didn't fly, now what can we do? FAA Safety directed phraseology, didn't work either, now what can we do? Tower Chief Praseology?? I would honestly like to find a viable answer, a solution, something that will not only work but benefit the pilots and the controllers.
As to the comments about the ATIS and the statement on it " All pilots shall readback Hold-short Instructions", well its pretty self explanatory at this point, and the statement " All pilots shall acknowledge ATC Instructions with Callsign", well again if you don't use your callsign then legally we cannot be assured that it was you that acknowledged those instructions. Thus we, the controllers are attributed with an error. I know what the FAR's say along with the AIM, we need this though to ensure A) it was you that acknowleged and B) to be compliant with directions instituted by the FAA.