New guy!! If you have a minute..


Filing Flight Plan
Feb 19, 2009
Greensboro NC
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Hello everyone, the name is Jesse, i am 22 years old and i just wanted to introduce myself and let everyone know i will probably be a frequent to this site, and i want to learn ALL i can about flying, so if you got any info throw it at me!! Im in the process of learning to fly, im learning in a 172 and as of this posting i have 8 hours, and im going to solo at about 10 hours.

I am also determined to make a career out of flying, i have applied at the local community college. (aviation management or pilot option depending on flying time)

Flying of course has been my dream, and dream job since i was young. There is a small, but yet, kind of busy paved airport 1 full mile from my house (also where i take lessons). I have been the airport kid for many of years, from riding my bicycle there, to now driving there on a regular basis, never really getting in anyones way but watching and learning what i can, i would always be invited for a ride with someone because they could see the passion i have for flying.

I always wanted to take lessons when i was younger but i never got to do to financial reasons. Almost a year ago my father passed away at the age of 47. He owned a tile business, and i worked for him as his only employee and we made a living for our family, i was very close to my dad and i was happy i got to work for him. Though I feel i didnt have enough experience to take the business over so we shut it down. I know my dad always wanted me to suceed in life and get away from the hard work of construction, so i got a job right after he passed, and i started taking flying lessons probably 7 months after he passed. It is really hard to pay for the lessons on top of what little bills and what little money i make so i dont get to take them often, but im trying because i know it would make my dad proud!! I want to go as far as i can in aviation!

I could go on for awhile but i will leave it at that...
Im interested in getting to know some people that are living my dream..
If you have any questions for me feel free to ask!

Jesse :rolleyes:
Welcome to the board, Jesse! We have a lot of friendly, knowledgeable people here (most of whom happen to also be pilots! :)), and we're happy to share our experiences! Sorry about your Dad's passing, but it's great that you're going to go out and do something you love. I think it's great that you're learning to fly first, so that you know it's truly something you love.

If you're interested in flying for a career, I think we have a few threads giving advice to those looking to start in the industry. A lot of the people here fly for recreation or in pursuit of their own business, too. That's always a way to go to get your flying fix if you opt not to fly professionally.

Always keep fun for yourself! Never let it become just a job.
thanks for the welcome, thats the thing, its not just a job, its a passion, its what i want to do for a job!

and one day i would like to buy me either a pitts or an extra!
Jesse, Welcome to the board!

You'll find answers from a many folks here who love aviation from one or more perspectives. There's a lot to learn from just about everyone here. I'll look forward to hearing about your experience as you continue learning.
Jesse, welcome! Lots of people like you here - We even have another Jesse who is an instrument-rated pilot, worked his butt off to get where he is, and is just about the same age as you. :yes: Small world...

There's a good mix of people here who fly for fun, fly for work, fly for fun AND work, teach other people how to fly, etc... And while we do argue heatedly now and then, it's because we're all so passionate about aviation.

Now, we just need to get you to Gaston's! :yes: That's our biggest event of the year, where we get together at a resort with a grass strip for a few days, talk about flying, fly each other's airplanes, and generally have a grand time. William? Brook? Anyone else from the Carolinas flying there this year?
Jesse, welcome! Lots of people like you here - We even have another Jesse who is an instrument-rated pilot, worked his butt off to get where he is, and is just about the same age as you. :yes: Small world...
Indeed--this is going to get confusing.

There's a good mix of people here who fly for fun, fly for work, fly for fun AND work, teach other people how to fly, etc... And while we do argue heatedly now and then, it's because we're all so passionate about aviation.
Exactly. The big thing is just to not take anything personally--I know I don't--and I'm pretty sure that Kent doesn't either when I point out his lack of java skills.
Born2Fly said:
and one day i would like to buy me either a pitts or an extra!
There aren't many people that fly for a living and own an Extra. The easiest way to that path involves being locked inside buildings for a career--and even then--you better play the game well.
Congratulations for starting young. Sorry about your dad - it's good to hear that you're bouncing back in a positive direction. Where there's a will, there's a way.

You might want to peruse Teller's blog. He job-changed into aviation, starting at the bottom, now flying Dash 8s. Probably a lot to learn in his saga.

Welcome. Enjoy. Good luck.
Jesse, Welcome aboard! I lost my dad 3 weeks ago and feel your pain. We all seem to work through it, some days are little tougher then others, but Life does moves on.

You will find no better Community then POA! Great people and a wealth of Information at your fingertips. You might want to modify your screen name slightly since there is already a Jesse. It will make for less confusion....

Also, if you can swing it, consider Sun-n-Fun at Lakeland, FL this April. An aviation Mecca that I think you would really enjoy. There may be some folks in your area flying down...

Blue Skies!
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Welcome to the board and welcome to flying. Good to have you here.

BTW, how did you learn of POA?
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!! as far as the heated arguements go i think they're fun but ill stay out of them because i probably dont know enough yet!!

Welcome to the board and welcome to flying. Good to have you here.

BTW, how did you learn of POA?

i googled pilots forums, it popped up, i thought hmm this seems interesting!
God help us, there's two of least two of them, there may be more. Everybody, don't go to sleep for the next few days. You must stay awake!:rofl:

Welcome, Jesse.
i googled pilots forums, it popped up, i thought hmm this seems interesting!
Glad you found us! Welcome! :yes: :rofl:

I have a similar story about my dad. He was always interested in airplanes and wanted to learn how to fly, but he died suddenly when I was a teenager. A few years later I started taking lessons and, long story short, I have done it professionally almost all my life. Years later, my mom told me that my dad would have been envious that I fly airplanes for a living. far as the heated arguements go i think they're fun but ill stay out of them because i probably dont know enough yet!!

Well that never stopped the other Jesse:D.

i googled pilots forums, it popped up, i thought hmm this seems interesting!
You might be able to help us out here. There's a recent debate about hiding parts of this webboard from search engines and that's raised a concern about missing people like yourself. Could you provide the specific Google query you used as best as you can remember? That way we might be able to construct the walls in a way that wouldn't have blocked your search.
You might be able to help us out here. There's a recent debate about hiding parts of this webboard from search engines and that's raised a concern about missing people like yourself. Could you provide the specific Google query you used as best as you can remember? That way we might be able to construct the walls in a way that wouldn't have blocked your search.

im sorry, it was actually an aol search bar on my computer it says enhanced by google so i thought it was google! lol but i typed in "pilot forum" and it was on the first page.

and i just typed it into and it was on the first page!!
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Welcome to the front porch of aviation, Jesse.

The folks here are an incredible group who provide help, guidance, advise, friendship and the occasional kick in the arse when needed or earned. ;)

We come from all walks of life and as such bring different perspectives and opinions to the table. Feel free to pick the brains and, like all of us, you'll be better for the experience.
im sorry, it was actually an aol search bar on my computer it says enhanced by google so i thought it was google! lol but i typed in "pilot forum" and it was on the first page.

and i just typed it into and it was on the first page!!

That's enough information to be useful, thanks!
im sorry, it was actually an aol search bar on my computer it says enhanced by google so i thought it was google! lol but i typed in "pilot forum" and it was on the first page.

and i just typed it into and it was on the first page!!
I like your new name, J2. :D

Also out of curiosity, did you join POA immediately or did you check out some of the posts first?
What does your instructor teach you about leaning?:devil:
BTW, welcome!
Welcome, Jesse. And don't be discouraged as to what you may not be able to attain in your dreams. A lady came into my camera store; new customer. At that time I was a rather new student pilot and was in conversation with another customer who was a FAA examiner. I side-stepped our conversation, only to be told by the lady to continue my discussion. "I need to select some negatives to be printed, and I'm always interested in aviation topics."

After a few minutes she appeared to be ready with her selections, and the FAA guy departed the store. While I was preparing her negatives for print orders I inquired as to her interest in aviation. "Oh, my husband flew airplanes and had a business."

There came the moment that I needed to get her identification for the order envelope and I inquired, "The name, please?" "Wiggins," she said. I nearly dropped my pen. "You don't mean Wiggins Airways at Norwood Airport?"(Massachusetts). And she did.

She then told me that her husband was very young and was walking along a country road. Someone stopped and gave him a ride and as they proceeded there was a large field where someone was giving rides in a flying machine. He told the driver to stop the car; he had to visit the scene. This was many decades ago. It was something similar to $5.00 a ride and the kid didn't have squat. He managed to beg and borrow the funds and up he went; and never looked back.

In time he took lessons, became a pilot and eventually was able to possess an airplane. One lead to another and ..............

Elizabeth became a regular customer after that first meeting, having told me that "they" had sold the company to their employees. The firm then moved from Norwood, MA to Manchester, NH. When I showed her a picture of my airplane she said, "Oh, I've seen it many times. I live beside the New Meadows River and whenever a plane leaves #25 at Wiscasset you fly right over my house."

Mr. Wiggins achieved his dream; don't give up on yours.

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Jesse2, Thats what I'm gonna call ya, Congratulations on landing in the best aviation forum out there. You will not only find a lot of advice but also good constructive criticism when its needed and much comraderie. We look forward to your participation!!
Jesse2, Thats what I'm gonna call ya, Congratulations on landing in the best aviation forum out there. You will not only find a lot of advice but also good constructive criticism when its needed and much comraderie. We look forward to your participation!!
Com on Adam, let's try something with a little imagination! :) How about NCJesse! I don't want him to think he's second class (or even worse, give Jesse A. a bigger head than he already has!):nono::rofl:

(And NCJesse, just so you don't get the idea that any of us are bickering here, we all know one another and are teasing. Wait, I'm trying to remember if Jesse A. and Adam Z. have ever actually met? Guys?):dunno:
There aren't many people that fly for a living and own an Extra. The easiest way to that path involves being locked inside buildings for a career--and even then--you better play the game well.

Well, the guy (Mike Wiskus) that flys this Pitts S1-11-B flys for a living (I think a King Air, but my memory is hazy on that). But he is also good at lining up sponsors. And, when he bought it it was a wreck with no engine.

A lot depends on how bad you want something.
I have met Adam.

Most curious phrasing. Note that Jesse doesn't claim that he and Adam have met or that he met any particular Adam....hmmm...most curious.:D
Most curious phrasing. Note that Jesse doesn't claim that he and Adam have met or that he met any particular Adam....hmmm...most curious.:D
The wonderful thing about words is how everyone reads into them with more effort than the author put into writing them.
The wonderful thing about words is how everyone reads into them with more effort than the author put into writing them.

I wish to assure you that only neglibible effort was expended...:drama:
Jesse2, Thats what I'm gonna call ya, Congratulations on landing in the best aviation forum out there. You will not only find a lot of advice but also good constructive criticism when its needed and much comraderie. We look forward to your participation!!

I think I woulda gone for JesseToo as in "also" vs "the second", but either one solves the identity crisis.
Well Jesse2(too) or what ever, WELCOME TO PoA. As you can see we are a friendly bunch and willing to provde guidance where needed or wanted. Join in anytime and also try the Chatroom, we have lots of fun there and will try to answer any questions in real time.
Dave G.
I like your new name, J2. :D

Also out of curiosity, did you join POA immediately or did you check out some of the posts first?

i looked at a few other forums, but this one definately caught my attention! more members too!

lol wow you guys do seem like alot of fun haha. im already laughing over here. and Harley, good story of encouragement!!

i can see already i am welcome here!!