New glider pilot...


Tied Down
Nov 8, 2009
Denver, CO
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A buddy soloed yesterday at Boulder. Said he stopped after one because he made himself nervous.

Going over it with him today he said he was late putting out the full brakes, and the glider was light from lack of a CFI on board, took the slip out a little too soon, and then tried to force it on the last three feet instead of letting it slow up and landing a little longer.

Made sure he had discussed with his CFI and then helped him laugh a little... We've all been there. I scared the crap out of myself on my third landing in a C-150 with an excellent Captain Kangaroo impression.

Been showing him links to Tony's exploits and XCs... He isn't quite mentally ready for glider cross countries yet! :)

Another pilot is born...

His CFI-G joked, "Would have been a perfect landing if the runway was three feet higher!" ;)

I'm betting he's got multiple flights scheduled for next weekend already... He's hooked.
I used to teach there part time. Very challenging conditions in the lee of the front range. Very tough place to begin XC soaring.
Congrats to your buddy!

Consider most trainers weigh about 1000#, when that 200# noise maker in the back seat climbs out, 20% of the weight went with him. The glider is going to react differently.

That's part of my pre solo briefs with my students, "Other than the peace and quiet, how is the glider going to fly with 200# missing?" most end up flying a higher than normal downwind, but solve the "being high" issue on base and final.