New from Honda.

Just how lazy are we getting when two reasonably fit looking young ladies quit walking and start riding that toy. Interesting technology, however.
What if you, like, hit a bump whilst proceeding sideways?
Just how lazy are we getting when two reasonably fit looking young ladies quit walking and start riding that toy. Interesting technology, however.
+1 - I'm not sure how people expect to stay in any shape by using crap like that. It just means you have to spend more time in the gym. I'd rather just walk around and save some gym time...
Yeah, but this is the actual target market:

+1 - I'm not sure how people expect to stay in any shape by using crap like that. It just means you have to spend more time in the gym. I'd rather just walk around and save some gym time...

Anybody here remember the "Fatties" in the Judge Dredd comics? Most of them hauled their bulk around on devices much like the U3-X... prophetic... :rolleyes:
The contraption was shown being used on a very sterile environment, clean carpets and floors. They did not, like Seqway, show it outside in the real world. I think it is probably going to be aimed at very large office type environments as a time saver.

When I was in the corporate world, many years ago, we had a huge warehouse that covered several city blocks in the Los Angeles area. Whenever I had reason to go there, they had bicycles for traveling around in it, as a time saver.

Until they can demonstrate it out of doors, it will probably be a novelty to entertain office types. The trouble with these contraptions and getting them to the market is the liability factor.

If they could get an approval from the lawyers, and they could handle questionable surfaces, with some reasonable distance capabilities, perhaps a little more speed, they might very well be handy in the back of a small airplane. Walking several miles in the desert heat could make those things seem real appealing.
