Taxi to Parking
Cops sometimes need a reason to pull someone over. Something called "probable cause". And they have used it to take down some pretty unpleasant *******s, like Timothy McVeigh who was pulled over for not having plates which is quite a trivial and annoying requirement to you I am sure. He murdered 168 people. So I for one don't give a d*mn about your feelings and the fact that you sometimes get pulled over and "dont like it". Boo hoo!
I'm not a saint either. But I don't cry if I get pulled over, and don't attract attention to myself either.
Where did I say I don't like it? I do it on purpose so I *DO* get pulled over - just to be a pain in the ass. Of course, now I've seen a few of them behind me at a light, I figure they've probably run my plates even with the expired sticker on it, see I've got a carry permit, and figure there's no point in wasting their time. After a little while, they turn off, or I do, and they stop following.
My comment about pulling me over was directed to the comment that I'm an empty bust and a waste of time for the cop pulling me over. If the cops don't like it then THEY can not pull me over. I also drive a little more erratically the harder it rains. Not unsafe, just trying to bait 'em. Yep, come pull me over when it's pouring rain, I will take my sweeeeeeeet ooooollllllld tiiiiiiiiiime answering questions. Same goes for when it's below zero. Again, if they don't like it, don't pull me over.
But I'm glad to know you think I'm Timothy McVeigh. Now, kindly go **** yourself.
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