Need Pilot and Plane. Breaking Guinness World Record.


Filing Flight Plan
Apr 4, 2011
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I'm trying to plan for flying from Eagle / Vail to Furnace Creek on or about April 27th, 2011.

I'm just wondering if this forum might be able to lead me in the right direction to find a pilot and plane.

The purpose of the flight is to attempt to break a world record.
I'd be happy to discuss this with anyone serious to help me out.

You can email directly to:

Kind regards,
Patrick Marchese
Perhaps if you detailed the nature of the world record you were attempting to beat, you might be able to get some more useful assistance.
Careful Henning. He might be trying to break the world record for gay sex at altitude...
Guinness doesn't even publish most of their "records" any more. What's the point?

And why would you want to try to set a record against the wind? Unless it has nothing to do with speed...
Hey, Henning would not have to *watch* - or participate.
Hey, Henning would not have to *watch* - or participate.

Dude, I used to run a yacht for the biggest flamer on the planet, the parties were straight out of the movie "Cruising"... He paid well, was a funny as heck guy, and I was never bothered by anyone. That stuff doesn't bother me in the least.

I have been talking with the OP though, and the record doesn't involve sex of any kind LOL and I would likely participate as it sounds like a fun day.