Fox is one of the five tabs on my start page, but so are CNN and BBC. I think BBC is the best, the most thorough, and the most objective of the three. It's kind of a shame that you have to go overseas to get decent coverage of U.S. news.
The other two tabs are the Albany (NY) Times-Union and Weather Underground. The Times-Union has good coverage of state-specific issues, but most of the rest of the content comes from AP and could be had anywhere. It's an okay paper overall. Their site could use some work, though. They're making an admirable effort to make it viewport-responsive, but some of the stuff just disappears at certain resolutions. It backs up my long-time belief that separate versions for desktop and mobile, drawing from the same data sources, was actually a better way to go.
Weather Underground seems to have the most accurate weather forecasting around here and definitely has the best graphics and tools. I also splurged for the $10.00 / year paid membership, so there are no ads and I get text and email weather alerts that usually turn out to be accurate. Their phone app is also the best mass-market weather app that I've used. It follows me and presents the local weather when I travel, which I'd generally find creepy, but which makes sense for a weather app. But I can easily switch to my home location weather, and I still get the alerts about weather at home (and anywhere else I want) even when I'm away. I've made some trip modifications based on those alerts.
So those are my five tabs. My county doesn't have a daily newspaper of its own, otherwise it would be the sixth. I like having my most-used sites at my fingertips when I open my browser. I also have a folder on the desktop containing links to all the other sites I access on a frequent basis. I don't use the bookmarks much, and I don't allow Firefox to sync them.