Need a CFII around OLM


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 25, 2005
Olympia, Washington
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Ghery Pettit
Well, I finally got my IR written out of the way and have some (not as much as I'd like) time to finish the IR. I had a CFII lined up, but she does it on the side and just got a consulting gig with Microsoft that is taking 60-80 hours a week of her time. My previous CFII has left town (got a flying gig in Idaho). Any suggestions before I beat up the two FBOs to see what they've got? I can't afford to take a couple of weeks of vacation and just fly (well, I could, but my wife would have negative things to say about it. :D ). Otherwise I'd entice Ron to come to the wet side.
Just an idea, buy something nice for your wife before and after Ron gets your ticket wet.
Otherwise I'd entice Ron to come to the wet side.
Wouldn't be my first flying experience there -- got about 900 hours out of Whidbey Island. If you get frustrated enough to take the time, give me a call -- I'd love to make the trip.
Is Meg Godlewski, the gal who writes for the General Aviation News, one of those not available? She is a Master CFI.

Bob Gardner