Nearing the end! Yippie!

Glad to hear you're doing so well.

I've been trying to picture Frank Browne with a Halo...any Halo...
Nope, Frank with a Halo just does not compute...:goofy:

Get well soon.

I'm really glad to hear that the procedure was successful, and that you did not have a metastatic neoplasm. I am equally gratified to hear that a brain tumor, which was invariably fatal when I was young (lost friends to them) can now be treated. Screw the medical, go Sport Pilot, and rock on!
Wow. That's a relief.

Frankly, I've always been creeped out by the sight of those halo devices. Icch.

Good luck on your continued recovery!!!!:cheerswine:

When my buddy was in one (including upper body cast) we used to decorate it (nothing he could do about it either:D he was our pawn to play with) we even mounted one of those little artificial Christmas trees on top at Christmas time and took him to his doctors appointment. When the doc walked in and saw it, she just shook her head... "Doc, you gotta get me out of this, you see what they do to me? I'm the entertainment!" Yeah, we had no pity on injuries cause by "Watch this" maneuvers. (His was an offroad motorcycle crash, jump gone waaayyyyy wrong).:rofl::rofl::rofl: