NARCO-120 pin out

I’m gonna guess 9. Total guess. I’m not qualified to guess, but I did anyway. I have a Mk12D, though. ;)
No, pin 3, the same pin as the headphone connection.

There is almost certainly a sidetone adjust pot accessible from the bottom of the unit.
Agreed, Pin 3. I believe that you have to remove the top cover to get access to the sidetone level adjustment.

this A/C had no side tone, then a back seat mike jack failed, last evening no one could hear the pilot, Pilot Isolate was in the correct position.
I believe one of two things are happening.
1 multi pin connector on the back on the intercom is loose.
2 the intercom is failing.

radio is a NARCO 120-20
Intercom is a cheapie from AS&S I forget brand.
Or 3, Wire at the pin has open circuited.
Betcha dollars to donuts the intercom is the failure device.

I wouldn't doubt it, but it will be a week before I can get my Hands on the A/C again.
I'm hoping for a loose plug.