NA World speed record - trains

Actually try

Number under construction CRH380A: 40 trainsets (320 cars) CRH380AL: 100 trainset (1600 cars)

Formation CRH380A: 8 cars/trainset (6M2T) CRH380AL: 16 cars/trainset (14M2T)

Capacity CRH380A: 610 CRH380AL: 1230
you know that's going to hurt when it wipes out. :(

A risk of deeply investing in advanced technology.

Tickets for the new Shanghai-to-Hangzhou high-speed rail went on sale last Friday at RMB82 for a 2nd class seat and RMB131 for 1st class, although peak time 1st class tickets are boosted up to RMB156 during five of the 50 daily trips

1 RMB is ~ $0.15 USD.

One video of train in operation:
Unsurprisingly, Fox "News" didn't get it right.

This isn't the world's fastest train - not by a long shot. See


2003 - Japan - MLX01 - 581 km/h (current absolute world record holder)

2007 - France - V150 - 574.8 km/h (current world record holder on conventional rails)

2010 - China - CRH380A - 416.6 km/h (current world record holder for unmodified commercial trainset)