I must state that I am not saying that I disagree with you that the border needs to be locked down, but I am saying that it will not be done due to certain rammifications. That's why I'm playing devil's advocate here. Onto the quote.
Brian Austin said:
Article 1 speaks primarily about drug traffickers and how they're going through the same holes that illegals are going through. If you want to get into a discussion about drug trafficking, I'm all for nailing shut every hole we find.
Article 2 speaks about remittances sent home by Mexican emigrants (notice that's not focusing on illegals, that's focusing on all Mexicans in the US). There's one sentence in that article speaking about illegals, stating that some non-governmental groups have stated that the rise in remittances is only due to a rise in illegal immigration. No proof, no data, just a blind statement from a group that's not even named.
Article 1 talks about a possible agreement from... 2003? Yeah. Anyhow, the agreement discusses a possible accord with Mexico which would basically be like the accords that the US has with 20 other countries (mainly in Europe). Furthermore, the Mexican citizen would need to prove that they paid into the system. With any cash under the table route (like you spoke of), how would they do that? So you have nothing to worry about according to your own statement.
Right about now, after the first three articles, I'm beginning to think you searched on azcentral.com for "illegal immigrants" and just copied every link you found without reading through them. I hope this isn't the case, but I'll continue my points anyway.
Article 2 (another from 2003) speaks about how smugglers are getting rich off of the illegal immigrants because we put tighter security on the borders. Exactly what did this have to do with the discussion?
#3 is from 2004, getting more recent... Once again talking about smugglers. Lock up holes to make it more difficult to get in, smugglers charge more, smugglers steal more cars, smugglers make tons of money. Refer to my statement on Article 2.
#4 - Proposition 200 deals with state and local welfare programs in Arizona, and is completely ineffective when dealing with federal services. Your overwhelming majority was 56%. According to what I've been reading on it, the proposition was allowed to become law in December 2004, was appealed for an injunction in January to the 9th circuit court who rejected the appeal (How very liberal of them!), and the only thing left is the 9th Circuit is to rule on the constitutionality of it within a the next few months. So how were the people silenced?
Finally, #5 discusses wire transfers to Mexico. Why single out those specific transfers? What if a family has a child visiting Mexico for school and would like to wire money to their child? You're going to tax them as well? Or are you simply going to focus on illegal immigrants? If so, how are you going to make sure they're illegal immigrants before imposing the tax? The idea is so ridiculously biased it should never see the light of day.
I'm sorry, but these articles do nothing to further your position.. They all seem to make it look like you would be unhappy even with LEGAL immigration (Specifically the second, third, and last article dealing with remittances or wire transfers). I know you want to focus on illegal immigrants, but those specific decisions would affect anyone from Mexico, legal or not.