What’s bad about it is the people who obtained at little or no cost totally trashed items that they hadn’t even originally purchased and “returned” them to get new items at no charge - clearly gaming the system and having no regard for Bean’s best intentions. Another example of the lowering of morality in America. IMHO.
Don’t get me wrong, as I said, I’m not surprised - no one ever went broke underestimating the taste and morality of the American least of late.
Sounds like jealousy to me. Bean made the offer. Trashed, used, who the owner now is, none of that matters. Same price was originally paid for the items. Same deal on all items.
Not a damn thing immoral about it, either. Some rich guy wants to throw away his warranty and someone else wants to use it, that isn’t immoral in the slightest. Bean didn’t have to make the warranty open ended.
The deal from Bean was the deal. Now they’ve changed the deal. That’s fine.
Has more to do with their inability to compete at the price point the original deal would require than any whining about people taking advantage of their unsustainable deal.
Look at it this way. If rich weenies hadn’t thrown out the things at Goodwill and instead took advantage of the replacement offer, Bean was still in the exact same fiscal problem. The deal was the root cause of the fiscal flaw.
Bean says you now need proof of purchase. Think they’ll check names? They want people to sign up online during checkout.
How about a paper receipt with no name on it? You don’t need my info in a database Bean.
Original purchaser gets tired of something and sells it along with that nice paper receipt with no name they got with it. Don’t sign up online.
Screw them if they can’t make the offer they intended to make. English isn’t that hard. Saying “original purchaser with proof of purchase” isn’t that hard. Lots of places do it.
That wasn’t their old deal and there is absolutely nothing “immoral” about anyone who felt like taking them up on it, doing so.