"In the ten o'clock hour" sounds puffy and pretentious, like so many of these bloated and incorrect phrases. "Mid-morning" might work in most cases. "Between ten and eleven o'clock" might work when a more precise time is required.
I enjoyed reading the article cited- it poked fun at some of my favorite wince-producing phrases uttered by people who want to sound uppah-clahs, and succeed only in sounding poorly educated.
It's hard to remember my manners and sympathize with people who claim to be 'nauseous.' I want to reassure them that no, they're, not making me the least bit sick. When they say "Hopefully you can join he and I," I hope my clenched jaw doesn't twitch.
Furthermore, what is it with law enforcement people? Why is it "the individual was observed to be operating a VEE-hickull in an unsafe manner," when "I saw Mr. Jones drive his truck into oncoming traffic" conveys more information in fewer words?
Yes, the language evolves. That doesn't mean we should accept and adopt silly and incorrect grammar just because most people seem to have slept through fourth grade.