[NA] Incompetence is annoying

Speaking of incompetence, wise to recall the former head of Home Depot, who, after screwing it up, was fired and then popped up at Chrysler where he drove it into bankruptcy, all the while being paid millions by both company's.
I don't care about the ski areas security. RFID can be compromised by a kid with a $100 scanner. I know for a fact that the ski resort does not use any RFID random UID tools available because the scanners at the lift chair don't support random UIDs, as it gets scanned a dozen times per day, and they were advised the random UID(and other anti-piracy tools like encryption) were too cumbersome, and costly to employ for what they were used for at the lift line.

The scanners at the lift line were the cheap kind, and would only verify minimal info like pass type, date, person, gender. When their RFID card is linked to a CC, a person can go into just about any shop at the ski area and many shops in the apres-ski area and use it to buy just about anything. No thank you.

What is your liability if that happens?
What is your liability if that happens?

Zero. What is the hassle factor? Very high. Contacting the card issuer, the three credit agencies, contacting them again when they don't change the fraudulent entries, etc. What does it cost to NOT have my CC linked to the ski pass. Zero, but an hour of incompetence wasted at the ski pass office. :yes:
I don't care about the ski areas security. RFID can be compromised by a kid with a $100 scanner. I know for a fact that the ski resort does not use any RFID random UID tools available because the scanners at the lift chair don't support random UIDs, as it gets scanned a dozen times per day, and they were advised the random UID(and other anti-piracy tools like encryption) were too cumbersome, and costly to employ for what they were used for at the lift line.

The scanners at the lift line were the cheap kind, and would only verify minimal info like pass type, date, person, gender. When their RFID card is linked to a CC, a person can go into just about any shop at the ski area and many shops in the apres-ski area and use it to buy just about anything. No thank you.

I refuse to do business with any company that insists on storing a credit card number. I go elsewhere. I don't care how good they claim their security is.

Zero. What is the hassle factor? Very high. Contacting the card issuer, the three credit agencies, contacting them again when they don't change the fraudulent entries, etc. What does it cost to NOT have my CC linked to the ski pass. Zero, but an hour of incompetence wasted at the ski pass office. :yes:

Why would you have to contact the three credit agencies?

If your card gets hacked, you call up the issuer and say "somebody is using my card", and they reverse the charges, mail you out a new card in 2 days, and you go on about your day. This is not that complicated, it takes about 5 minutes (last time I did it with a Chase card).

Far less time than wasting an hour at the ski pass office trying to avoid a non-issue that hasn't happened.

If your credit card issuer doesn't offer you 100% coverage for unauthorized charges, then you have the wrong issuer.

I just don't see the reason in being afraid of technology when there are adequate safeguards, low probability of loss, and it makes my life much easier.
I refuse to do business with any company that insists on storing a credit card number. I go elsewhere. I don't care how good they claim their security is.


I refuse to give me email address to anyone. The cleark always says; "We will never sell your email address." I say; "How could you possibly know what they will do with it at the corporate office?"

20 years ago I wanted to take some community college classes so I was in the process of enrolling when they asked me for my SS number. I refused. They would not let me enroll unless I gave them my SS number saying; "This is your student ID number." I said; " Cant you use my name?" I didn't attend.

Now they use the student's name and a unique ID number. :mad2:

I'm still amazed people here post their actual birth dates. :mad2:
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Why would you have to contact the three credit agencies?

If your card gets hacked, you call up the issuer and say "somebody is using my card", and they reverse the charges, mail you out a new card in 2 days, and you go on about your day. This is not that complicated, it takes about 5 minutes (last time I did it with a Chase card).

Far less time than wasting an hour at the ski pass office trying to avoid a non-issue that hasn't happened.

If your credit card issuer doesn't offer you 100% coverage for unauthorized charges, then you have the wrong issuer.

I just don't see the reason in being afraid of technology when there are adequate safeguards, low probability of loss, and it makes my life much easier.

Look, you do whatever you want with your CC, and I'll do whatever I want with mine. I've been there, done that, got the tee shirt, and if you want to link your CC to any other card - go right ahead. I have no fear of technology(I work in the field), it's incompetent humans and tech savvy hackers that I don't trust. Give me your real name, and birthdate, and watch what I can do with your financial stability. Go ahead, I double dog dare you. :no:
Look, you do whatever you want with your CC, and I'll do whatever I want with mine. I've been there, done that, got the tee shirt, and if you want to link your CC to any other card - go right ahead. I have no fear of technology(I work in the field), it's incompetent humans and tech savvy hackers that I don't trust. Give me your real name, and birthdate, and watch what I can do with your financial stability. Go ahead, I double dog dare you. :no:

We all take certain risks, and the risk of having to stand around in ski boots for an hour and walking back and forth to the lift line while wasting my leisure time is not a risk worth a 1 in a million chance that some hacker gets my Ski Pass and tries to charge a hamburger and a bowl of chili in the lodge.

And, for the record, my real name and birthdate are readily available at the County Courthouse. Anybody that wants to look them up can. Oh, and, guess what, the same thing for your name and birthdate. All right there at the courthouse.

Hell, I bet you could even find the local newspaper from a few days after your birth and it would be printed right there in black and white.
Already said you are welcome to do what you want with your CC. Since it's my risk, it's my decision. Your burger and bowl of chili is not what the hacker wants to spend money on. It's the $1600 pair of Rossi skis and boots, and the $800 designer ski outfit that they would go for. If the clerk had known what she was doing, it would have been a 3 minute job. Check new annual payment applied to pass, validate RFID card for new year, sign wavier, go ski. Management encouraged linking a CC to the ski pass so people could spend money at the resort with just the pass. The guy at the ski pass office, was incompetent because he asked for a photo ID when he had his own company's pass with my pic right in his hand.

I'm done explaining. You want to risk it, go ahead.
If you really want to see incompetence, go find the executives of any of these companies.