Taxi to Parking
1,000 operators at, say $15/hr, operating at 90% capacity. Normally, you would get 1,000 operators * $15/hr * 100% productivity * 4 hrs = $60,000 worth of labor value. But we're operating at 90% which brings us down to $54,000 worth of labor value. So that weekly process is costing $4,000 per 1,000 operators per week in decreased productivity.
$4,000 * 52 = $208,000 worth of lost productivity for one year. That's based on 1,000 operators. Roll it up to 5,000 operators and you just cost the company $1,040,000 in lost productivity. That ain't exactly chump change...
But is IS exactly how you get IT off your back. Show the bean counters that IT practices are harming productivity, and things will change VERY quickly.