Touchdown! Greaser!
Anyone here a genius at household water works? I want to chat about my well, pressures and flows, fixing a long standing issue with a low performing system. None of the experts can agree.
Anyone here a genius at household water works? I want to chat about my well, pressures and flows, fixing a long standing issue with a low performing system. None of the experts can agree.
let me work on getting together a diagram and stats
The problem is low flow and pressure mainly the shower, when other items are drawing.
Here is the setup.
Main problem is flow and pressure when grass is on (or when any two or three things are on). Usually its a 10min period when I want a shower. I have crammed the grass into as much non-awake time as possible already.
I am trying to avoid having to install a storage tank (looks ugly, collects algae, exterior pipes freeze) so I will keep that as a last option.
I was thinking booster pump and pressure tank at the house.
Main concern is, will the booster pump cavitate due to inadequate supply?
You'll need at least 2" from the well pump to the house and you can t off for the grass before the accumulator tank rather than after. Put the accumulator tank at the house with a booster pump right before it and then manifold the household pipes out behind it.
Anyone here a genius at household water works? I want to chat about my well, pressures and flows, fixing a long standing issue with a low performing system. None of the experts can agree.
1.) You have 5 categories for the end use.[/FONT]
a.) Business (assumed minimal)
b.) Grass A – 15 GPM at 30 PSI ( a good number to use for the sprinkler head to operate correctly
c.) House – assumed the main user and the driver for peak water use
d.) Guest house (assumed minimal)
e.) Grass B – used same assumption as Grass A
2.) A key question is whether you run out of water. T
Can you tell me if this poses a risk to any component in the system? Those pumps are expensive. Do they have thermal protection or low flow sensors?A useful test may be to turn on enough uses so that you are using 20GPM and see how long (if at all) the well runs dry.
Thermal protection? No. They are water cooled (except when they run dry). This can overheat and burn out a pump motor.Can you tell me if this poses a risk to any component in the system? Those pumps are expensive. Do they have thermal protection or low flow sensors?
Can you tell me if this poses a risk to any component in the system? Those pumps are expensive. Do they have thermal protection or low flow sensors?
We don't and never have but the question in my mind is, will we, with changes that I decide on. I guess if we do, I am stuck with building a water tower. The grass goes for about 2hrs at 15gpm is that 1800gals in the 2hrs?
I never ceased to be amazed at the talent pool--and generosity with that knowledge--
ref the water tower.. I may get one in future anyway. When the power fails or the pump goes out, it would be nice to be self sufficient in that manner anyway. Later on that project, I hope.
ref the grass - I have them all set to not sprinkle during the heat of the day (avoiding evap. losses) and when the business is operational (too many complaints). So they start at 5pm, alternate all night til 8am. If I move them out of the 6am-8am and 5pm-11pm I am not sure we can get it all watered.
ref the water line (its fasline not pvc if that makes a diff). I would really prefer not to trench that again. A fairly difficult process. And Im not convinced it would help as the pipe from the pump up the well, into the pressure tank, back through the concrete is all 1&1/4" which cannot be changed so will a bigger line really help?
ref your conclusion larger tank and higher pressure settings.....
I suppose I could test the theory by cranking the pressure up first and seeing how it goes without a bigger tank, for a day would not hurt the pump with excess cycling. But would the higher pressure take its toll on the pump and reduce its tbo?
Roger; & thanks. Will advise results of any changes.
Yeah I mentioned them on post 7....they talk lots about raising pressure.....but not a word about flow. I suspect they get around the issue by having the system shut off if it is starving for water.
If I can't get it the water it needs, it can't make any pressure!