NA home printer, Kinkos, or production shop?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
What is the break point for getting volumes of 8.5x11" b+w one sided copies done at each of the locations listed?

I think Kinkos is about 7c/page?

Home printer would be your average cheapie laserjet.

I have a 600page job to do.
Old school - dig out your yellow pages, look under Printing and call a couple of the closer shops for prices. Shouldn't take more than 10 min or so. Then decide if 1) you have enough paper at home, 2) do you have enough toner in your printer and 3) how much is a toner cart for your printer.
what is the ave cost to print at home? I have what I need to do it.
Include w&t on the device.
I'm with murphey. I wouldn't run 600 at home (too costly on toner). And I wouldn't go to Kinkos (too costly). Find a good local print shop. Tell them that you're a local business owner and need some work done. They'll be able to get 600 pages out in a few minutes at a good price. Many have websites that you can use to transfer the file to them and just go down and pick them up.
The other factor to consider is time. How quick do you need the results?

what is the ave cost to print at home? I have what I need to do it. Include w&t on the device.

Depends on the printer. For example, I have 2 HP lasers and buy all my paper at Costco in boxes of 10 reams (10 * 500). 600 sheets is about $2.75.

A cart for my bigger (and older and more dependable but not as fast) HP cart is $90, and I get 3000-4000 pages depending on coverage (how much is printed on the page). Add another $16 for the toner. Up to $19 (I like round numbers for estimates). Considerably cheaper than the $45 or so at FedEx/Kinko's (hated it when the boys sold to FedEx...) (Yes, I've factored in estimated tax)

Now consider the wear & tear on the printer - altho my HP 6MP is a workhorse, I've had it over 12 years and only needed to replace a part that cost me $7 - rollers on the platen melted.

As for w&t - these days the printers are pretty much free (or dirt cheap) and the real cost is the cart, which contains most of the mechanics of the printer. The old HP is serial only so it's connected to the WinXP machine. The newer HP LJ (under $100) is USB, so that one's on the Mac and backup (if I need it) on the WinXP system just by moving the cable.
no rush

wow quoted 28c ea for 600 by local print shop.
this one is double-sided black ink 3hole punch, I changed the spec.
I know that when I'm printing pictures it is cheaper to go to Target and have their Kodak machine do the work than to print them at home. HP ink is EXPENSIVE. If I only need a few 4x6 prints then my dedicated picture printer gets used, but I've had it for about 3 1/2 years and haven't used up the first cartridge, so you get an idea of how little it is used (works well, however).
no rush

wow quoted 28c ea for 600 by local print shop.
this one is double-sided black ink 3hole punch, I changed the spec.

Ah, different specs...double sided will always be more (altho it's just setting a button on the printers at Kinko's....) but 3-hole is a manual process. Most printers don't work well with pre-punched paper - too easily jammed.
The duplexing changes the picture.

For 600 pages, 3-hole punching is no big deal.

It was me, I'd do it here, but then again, I have a duplexing digital copier, 55 PPM. I could load the pre-drilled paper, but we have electric 3-hole punches that are fast and effective.

Unless you have a good duplexing printer, two-sided is a problem; most printers will barf at some point during a manual two-pass print job, and you end up with a bunch of throw-away, and frustration.
'city' shop is quoting 24c per....but then I have shipping or travel.
I believe I will do it here.
If I kill my printer, you are all on the hook. No good deed goes unpunished as you know.

What kind of printer do you have?

BTW I use prepunched 3 hole paper all the time and have no trouble with it on the Laserjet printers I use.
hp laserjet
lexmark inkjet w refillable cartridges. I buy ink off ebay and do it monthly for pennies. Guess I'll use that one
Who are the recipients of your print job? Sometimes there is a benefit to using good quality paper stock and printing. Other times, cheap is the order of the day. If cost is the driver, I still wouldn't try to duplex it at home for the reasons Spike already mentioned.
I figure if I wreck a printer doing this at home, I am even - because I would have paid 150$ to gititdone and that will go a long ways twds getting a new printer.
Over and out.