[NA] High speed pursuit in Fort Worth

And on the other side of the news....

South Dallas -- A Yugo was reportedly involved in a push-by gang shooting yesterday...
You'll like the story about the guy who cane into the salvage yard the other day and said he would take a gas cap for his Yugo.

I told him it was a fair trade.
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Next time you visit Autozone and find a young person there to wait on you, add a water pump for a 1968 corvair to your list. Then time him or count the keystrokes on the computer until he figures it out.
Mike, you cause me to chuckle.

I had years on the counter at parts houses (back when we still had parts houses), and I never fell for the old tricks -

> Muffler Bearings
> Water pumps for VWs (pre-Rabbit)

Miss that good work.