NA Electric Window

Agreed. And that's where opportunity in America comes from: design and sell a bulletproof aftermarket power window kit and get rich... (hmm, how many Aleros still out there?)

well oldsmobile stopped building them in 2004, so I suspect most of them have had at least one of the regulators replaced since then. However, the Alero was basically the same car as the Pontiac Grand Am, and I have no idea if they've continued to use the crapola window mechanism in newer grand ams.

I did not read the whole post but I have a service manual that will give you step by step service. Let me know if you still need help.
thanks bob, but ive got it taken care of. its a simple replacement really, i did it a few years ago. I epoxied the sash back on the window tonight, and i hope that the regulator shows up tomorrow. Im planning on driving home tomorrow night to get the rest of my stuff so I can move.
well wonderful, the driver side failed now!

The Condon-Alero curse has struck in Idaho. My wife said the driver side window went out in her 99-Alero as well. Same day as Tony's broke. Time to do some debug. Strange I came across this updated thread. Should save me some fix-it time.


Call me if you need some help. fife wun fife two niner wun zero zero ate niner

Almost can guarantee that the plastic guide clips on the up/down mechanism broke. You can get brand new aftermarket regulators on Ebay for 60 bucks. Thats cheaper than you can get new plastic guides from GM, I checked.

Call me if you need some help. fife wun fife two niner wun zero zero ate niner

Almost can guarantee that the plastic guide clips on the up/down mechanism broke. You can get brand new aftermarket regulators on Ebay for 60 bucks. Thats cheaper than you can get new plastic guides from GM, I checked.

Thanks for the offer! I'll take a look at it and give you a call if I need some debug help.

Thanks for the offer! I'll take a look at it and give you a call if I need some debug help.


getting the door panel off is only a slight pain. You have to remove the red reflector on the bottom left of the door, and then there are two screws behind a plastic panel behind the door handle. Then you will need to disconnect the window switch panel, door lock panel, trunk opener, and I think thats about it. The panel itself will have to be gently pried off the door.
while we are talking 'bout the mighty Alero...did you ever get the hitch welded on properly, or are you still using that ratchet strap??
still ratchet strapped. thats not critical at the moment, so im not spending too much time worrying about it
I was thinking about it, Tony. I think your problems with your window regulators have to do with the fact that your car is powered by Jet A. I mean think about it - Oldsmobiles are for old people, and as such were not intended to fly- err- drive as fast as anything else that uses Jet A can. I suspect you broke the sound barrier (probably while driving down one of your non-interstate roads that you drive on) and the window regulators gave in.

Yeah, that's it. It can't have anything to do with window regulators being something that no American manufacturer seems to be able to get right. :)
good point ted. I pulled the nice Korean built regulator out of the box, got my 10 mm socket ready, and went to town. no problem getting everything installed and bolted the window to the regulator, hooked everything up and the window went up and down. then i put the door panel back together, hooked up all the wires, tested to make sure everything worked (it did) and put the panel back on. 3 philips screws later my car looks like normal again.

its amazing how you can get used to not having conveniences like electric windows, but it sure is nice to have everything working!
good point ted. I pulled the nice Korean built regulator out of the box, got my 10 mm socket ready, and went to town. no problem getting everything installed and bolted the window to the regulator, hooked everything up and the window went up and down. then i put the door panel back together, hooked up all the wires, tested to make sure everything worked (it did) and put the panel back on. 3 philips screws later my car looks like normal again.

its amazing how you can get used to not having conveniences like electric windows, but it sure is nice to have everything working!

Keep that skill set fresh, we've got a 2000 Olds Intrigue and we've had to replace all 4 regulators...:frown2: I'd say forget it, but it's not an option since the window falls down when the regulator craps out...grrr

Trapper John
well my car has non-GM regulators in it now. of course the weak point is the plastic guides, not the actual mechanism. worst part about the replacements is the PIA of getting the door panel off.

Jim - did you get yours fixed yet?
Jim - did you get yours fixed yet?

I finally went out to assess the "window is not working" statement my wife made. Turns out it is mostly working okay. Sounds kind of funky, but going up and down okay. I think it on the verge of failing, but not completely broke yet. Maybe the other day when she tried it was colder and was having more trouble. I'll monitor the demise of it for a while before I rip the door apart.

Thanks, Jim.
i'd order a regulator now, if it hasnt broken yet, it will
yeah window regulators suck in other cars, too. I had both of my windows in my GTI repaired under warrantee. Apparently the plastic clip connecting the regulator arm to the bottom of the window was underengineered. I think they eventually had a recall on them. I just remember driving to the dealership when the driver's side went. The greeter saw the window askew, and immeadiately knew the problem, and pointed to the stack of replacement parts in the shop, and told me it would be a quick fix as they knew how to do them by now :-)