NA Briggs and Stratton underperforms


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Display name:
Dave Taylor
(in my opinion).
I bought a brand new engine last week, it has a full factory warrantee (B+S agrees the warrantee is in force). Installed it and no way no how would it run. Did all the typical troubleshooting on air, fuel, spark, compression; it passed all tests but puffs and snorts. Exhaust gases appear to exit the intake. Sounded like an internal problem to me, probably a misclocked camshaft, who knows. I arranged to take it today to a local B+S dealer (very nice guy, pilot too I find out), he agrees.

So at this point I am thinking they will ship me another engine so I can get at things, right?

Wrong. They want to pay their dealers to dismantle and repair a brand new, defective engine in the field! (call to B+S confirms)

This will probably take a few weeks, the dealer is pretty busy. I am torqued, be advised admonishing posts will be ignored. (can you tell I'm wound up?)
If you have an idea on how to twist arms I am all ears.
Thanks Troy.
Besides the things that might happen during this assembly (we are all human) also have to wonder if there could be damage from it banging at the wrong stage of the ol' otto cycle.
Call B&S and explain to them that you are recording the call, (don't tell that, that way you can post their response on the web)and that your lawn mower is out of service (or better yet your sprinkler pump and your lawn is dying) until it is fixed and how inquire how do they plan to reinburse you for your lost revenue during the peak lawn mowing season while you wait for the engine to be repaired. Or if the will provide a rental lawn mower in the mean time.

If still no go, ask to speak to a supervisor.

if still not an acceptable response then post it on the internet.

I say, send them a bag full of dog crap (you know where to find some of that, right?).
Hire Dave Carroll to write a country song for you: Briggs & Stratton can stroke my four stroke.

And post it on you tube!
I just know next spring I will be hunting down this rant-thread to complain about the repaired (lemon)engine which started _____ (imagine your own defect here)!
One of the reasons I buy stuff on my AMEX. Return it and dispute the charge.
If you bought it on a credit card, call them and see of they'll do the same.
I am not savvy enough to get past the receptionist's screening so I think I will fax and fedex this letter:
Any suggestions?

David Taylor DVM
1234 State Hwy 17 South
Fort Davis Texas 79734
432 123-xxxx

Mr. Harold L. Redman
President, Home Power Products Group
Briggs and Stratton Corporation
12301 West Wirth Street
Wauwatosa, Wisconsin 53222

sent via Fedex, Priority Overnight

August 25, 2011

Dear Mr. Redman,

I am a veterinarian and also an aviation powerplant maintenance technician living and working in far west Texas. I am a consumer of your products; I have had Briggs and Stratton engines operating much of my of equipment over the years.

I wish to advise you of unsatisfactory treatment I have recently received from Briggs and Stratton, in the hopes you can offer an acceptable solution.

On August 17, I purchased a brand new Briggs and Stratton small engine to
re-power my yard mower (details below). Upon installation it was noted that the engine would not start, despite following all instructions for a proper and complete installation.
Discussion with Tech Help at Briggs and Stratton did not resolve the issue. The technician, Kevin was friendly and helpful and obviously knew your engines well but basic troubleshooting revealed that there was something seriously wrong with the engine. It was putting exhaust out of the intake and would not run. He indicated it should go to a service center.

Yesterday I took it to my local service center and it was confirmed that the engine was assembled incorrectly or had broken internal parts.

My suggestion at this point was that I had received a defective engine and I would prefer to return it for a replacement. I believe this to be standard treatment across the retail world in the U.S. Instead, I was told that I must leave the engine to be torn apart and that the various broken or misassembled bits would be replaced and corrected.

Mr. Redman, I did not pay for a broken engine which is then repaired. I paid for a new, fully functioning engine! In addition, it will now be over 2 weeks while I wait for B+S to repair their broken engine. I hope you can understand my dismay at this Briggs and Stratton policy and how the consuming public might feel shortchanged by this.

To conclude, Mr. Redman, I request that you make arrangements to replace the defective mower engine with a fully-functioning one, or to refund my payment in full.
I thank you for your time and await your reply.


David Taylor

IC 15.5HP
MN 31A677-0146 B1
Code 090210ZA
Build Date 02 09
SN 090210ZA52163
So does anyone think the letter -
-lacks anything
-is too _____
-should say it this way, "____"
Well the B+S service center owner thinks there is something internally wrong and is going to crack it open. Exhausting out the intake - cam misaligned with crank? He is going to 'tear it down', think that can be done, and fixed in 20mins?

What about the letter?
The letter is done well.
It is not unusual in some industries to make repairs under the warranty period as opposed to replacement.
The only thing you need to add to the letter is that the you are without functioning equipment for 2 weeks and that that is unacceptable.

If they could quickly fix the engine and still warranty it then it would not be a problem. The issue is that they can't fix it quickly and you are inconvienced (perhaps even montary loss) while it is down.

I do tech support for some large office equipment and it is pretty standard to repair rather than replace on higher dollar equipment. But that is usually done because it is faster, and cheaper, to do than to ship the replacement products.


If you concerned about the integrity of the engine, you could also ask if the would extend they warranty period for it. If they really repair it correctly this an easy thing for them to do and it should cost them almost nothing. If the don't repair it correctly they you are covered.
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