Ah...if your numbers were based of the table immediately preceding your post you might want to check your math. Or call your accountant. Or get an accountant.
and his sanity check
LOL. Holy hell. I did a percentage total.
Sheesh. See what I get for trying to eat a nice buffalo chicken sandwich and do math at the same time?
Appreciate the catch. Holy hell.
You can't see them reading from the prompter?
You ever hear every news station exclaim in unison after a speech, "Oh his Party won't like that! But they'll all vote for it because it's right!"?
You've never read any of the books or articles written by people who were Presidential speech writers who directly state "X wanted Y in the speech" and not only that, when reading said book or article know that at least some significant percentage of the story is BS anyway, so as to not make certain people angry at them, and so the book wouldn't be flamed out of the book selling tour process by professional politicos?
You've never watched a President speak about something not a single thing in their personal experience in life could have possibly prepared them for?
You think every speech isn't rehearsed and approved in front of a team?
You've never seen the video evidence of stump speeches where the exact same words and the exact same speech are given countless times in multiple locations, and you can edit them together with ease, and people do today, just for fun? (And since the beginning of recorded speeches, really. But especially in my lifetime and on video.)
You haven't seen the stories where a powerful Congresscritter states flatly that they "worked with the President['s speech writers and Party operatives and approvers] to change the wording of [insert big speech here, SotU, whatever) when the Party (whatever Party) knew their specific brand of ideology for the talking head wouldn't fly with voters in a Congressional election year?
C'mon. You're not that in awe of the Office to think the politicos couldn't groom damn near anyone to stand there and speak on cue, as long as they own the airwaves, are you?
At the national level, we've been an Oligarchy my entire life. Refute it. Show me a President who bucked their Party and their real owners, so hard it hurt. In my lifetime.
(We have Yet Another Bush(TM) running against Yet Another Clinton(TM) if you need further evidence of that statement. Are you blind? Or just not paying attention? You think the crap that was shoveled out in Social Studies or Civics class was reality and just any ol' American can hold the highest Office without being completely sold out to donors and a massive Party money machine? ROFLMAO.)
How about you find an example of a President giving a major speech that "led" Congress anywhere other than a Partisan vote, with the added stipulation that it made the lives of every American better through their so-called "leadership" skills.
Has to be in my lifetime since I said that in the original post, so start at Carter or Reagan depending if you want it to be after I could remember or after I could vote, your pick.
As for this...
It's better than the crap that you're putting out.
I'll just let you answer yourself.
Ridicule is not a substitute for evidence or a reasoned argument.
Looks like you've officially challenged yourself to prove me wrong.
Go find the speech you think wasn't approved by a Party and it's multi-millionaire donors, and was such a demonstration of leadership it transcended the political lie machine and everyone crossed Party lines to follow the special "leader" in the Oval.