[NA] As pilots, what are we switching to as we move away from cargo shorts and New Balance?

I carry keys and handkerchief front right and cough drops and chapstick front right, regardless. Regular pants, I carry wallet right rear and cellphone l ft rear, and take them out to sit. If I wear cargo shorts or pants cellphone and wallet go in th side pockets. I’m tall enough my knees usually show. And, I have my wife to thank for introducing me to cargo shorts.

Edit. I wear Nikes, but will go back to New Balance when these wear out.
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I am stunned, simply stunned by this thread. I never in a million years would have expected such a vigorous discussion about fashion among men, especially pilots, even jokingly. About the only group of men I can think of who might be less likely to generate such a thread are geologists. I can't even imagine getting into a discussion like this with women unless it's strictly around the topics of trousers and practicality. (I can imagine a discussion about fashion among women, but I wouldn't read it or participate in it, since I am willfully fashion unconscious.) I did get involved in such a discussion with other women not long ago, but it had to do with the most practical, best-fitting pants for doing field work (I'm a geologist).

Try a classic look.

Marvel Crosson (1900-1929)
Finally! Someone got it right. Just proves your clothes don't make you a pilot.;)

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The political sniping has been cleaned up and warnings/points issued. Please behave.
I was having a similar discussion with someone the other day.
I am totally "fashion blind". Seriously, completely fashion blind.
I always wore whatever I wanted to wear and I have never given a (expletive deleted) hoot what anyone cared about it.
I still don't care. And I still wear whatever I feel like wearing. When I have to, I clean up well.
My fashionista daughter calls my attire "Pre-modern homeless".
I wear stuff until it literally disintegrates.
The whole fashion industry is just totally incomprehensible to me. I just don't get why it matters whether my lapels are wide or skinny. etc. etc.
I'm still in my jeans, cargo pants and New Balance sneakers, and seasonal flannel.
But, I flew into a fly-in yesterday in my 1948 Vagabond wearing perfect period attire. Pleated pants, a shirt with stays, not collar buttons, a vintage tie, wingtip shoes, a leather flying jacket and fedora.
You can do that when you don't ever get rid of old clothes. I'm hoping someone noticed and took a picture.
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I wear stuff until it literally disintegrates.

Me too. OK, to be honest, when I had a position that required me to look relatively good, I did pay some small modicum of attention. But I went strictly "classic", which I convinced myself never goes out of fashion. At least it's not offensive, if a bit stuffy.
I was at my local Costco today, and they had hybrid boards shorts on sale for $11. These ones are the Hang Ten brand, and were in Dad-approved drab colors. I think I'm going to rotate the cargos out to yard work duty.

Both daughters are in their 20s and I no longer carry their stuff. We do own a boat and a waverunner so I'm not posing.
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Hair style, short and then bald.

Shorts, whatever is on sale at Sierra Trading Post and shoes, whatever’s on sale at Puma or Addidas outlet store.

BTW, NEVER let the lady or ladies in your life pick out ANY clothes for you. That WILL NOT turn out well.

I don't know. I never owned a pair of Dockers until I started dating my wife. Until then, it was either blue jeans or suits. I fit in at work a lot better now.

The first pairs I had were no-stain, perma-press, and pretty much indestructible. Guess they didn't get much repeat business because the pants lasted so long.

I have both jean shorts, and cargo shorts. My sneakers are currently Nike's, but will probably go back to New Balance when these wear out.
Speedos and cowboy boots is how I roll.
What are the middle-age unfashionable male view on those short dude-boots or chukkas? All of my many many new balance 99x series are looking worn out, and my 1540s are sure to follow.

I keep eyeing something in this vein:


But hopefully one with a more squared toe to match my shoebox-shaped feet

I assume with shorts would be a definite "nope" but thinking with jeans or dockers.
What are the middle-age unfashionable male view on those short dude-boots or chukkas? All of my many many new balance 99x series are looking worn out, and my 1540s are sure to follow.

I keep eyeing something in this vein:


But hopefully one with a more squared toe to match my shoebox-shaped feet

I assume with shorts would be a definite "nope" but thinking with jeans or dockers.
There are worse choices but I can’t think of any right now.

Personally, I am going with the straw hat, mesh shirt, Speedo and flip flops look.
Thread Hijack!
I miss flight suits. I lived in them all through my CAP and Air Force days, and I want them BACK!
All the pockets in the world plus two more for good measure.
In warm weather you don't need to wear anything under them, and in cold weather you can use them as the outer layer.
Flight suits! Flight suits! Flight suits!
Still have two Green Bags hangin in the closet

To be clear, do you mean overalls with the straps, or coveralls with the collar and sleeves? Overalls - shirt or no shirt because no shirt is such a classy look.
Overalls with the straps. T-shirt or sweatshirt underneath...depending on the season.
Thread Hijack!
I miss flight suits. I lived in them all through my CAP and Air Force days, and I want them BACK!
All the pockets in the world plus two more for good measure.
In warm weather you don't need to wear anything under them, and in cold weather you can use them as the outer layer.
Flight suits! Flight suits! Flight suits!

Nomex is about as unpleasant as it get, unless you get the aussi two piece deal, and even then

For day to day non formal, whatever I find at Ross, T-shirt and shorts and tennis shoes when it’s hot, jeans and a t or button up and boots for mid seasons, more formal I just one stop shop brooks bros. Wallet, watch, pistol, keys and done.
Thread Hijack!
I miss flight suits. I lived in them all through my CAP and Air Force days, and I want them BACK!
All the pockets in the world plus two more for good measure.
In warm weather you don't need to wear anything under them, and in cold weather you can use them as the outer layer.
Flight suits! Flight suits! Flight suits!

yeah...maybe...except they seem to look better on young and in better shape folks....but then maybe you are one of those folks!
Personally I have never liked coveralls, so I can't imagine them to be very comfortable. Flight jackets on the other hand.... pockets in just the right places. I used to wear those nylon knock-off ones that were popular back after the 1st Top Gun movie came out.
Garbo shorts when I’m flying or working on the airplane. Dress shorts when I’m in the presence of my wife. I still don’t know what matches.
Thread Hijack!
I miss flight suits. I lived in them all through my CAP and Air Force days, and I want them BACK!
All the pockets in the world plus two more for good measure.
In warm weather you don't need to wear anything under them, and in cold weather you can use them as the outer layer.
Flight suits! Flight suits! Flight suits!

Wearing a racing suit, I learned that Nomex is a miracle fabric that can keep you hot in the summertime and cold in the wintertime.
I have and fly with sketchers sandals with a strap over the heel during summer months with cargo shorts. Works for me.
What are the middle-age unfashionable male view on those short dude-boots or chukkas? All of my many many new balance 99x series are looking worn out, and my 1540s are sure to follow.

I keep eyeing something in this vein:


But hopefully one with a more squared toe to match my shoebox-shaped feet

I assume with shorts would be a definite "nope" but thinking with jeans or dockers.

If I saw those on the door step, I would expect that we had a late 20's female over, with bright pink hair and a bunch of metal attached to her. More or less. Would pair with a wallet attached by a chrome chain, or a snap up leather vest.
I'm not sure what question the whole Croc shoe answered that wasn't already answered by dock shoes or virtually any other casual slip-on.
Shorts, Hawaiian shirts, and Sketchers?
I'm talking about the old fashioned cloth/cotton/poly suits, not the Nomex. I agree the Nomex suits are uncomfortable.
I still have the International Orange suit I wore in the CAP. Back when I was 5'10 and weighed 132 lbs.
I'm taller and umm a little heavier now.
What are the middle-age unfashionable male view on those short dude-boots or chukkas?
"Don't wear no Doc Martens
Can't wear no Birkenstocks
Just a crummy old pair of chukka boots
and a smelly old pair of socks."

Suicide Machines, "The Van's Song"

who don't wanna hear about alternative footwear
Wearing a racing suit, I learned that Nomex is a miracle fabric that can keep you hot in the summertime and cold in the wintertime.
You didn't get the suave "flyer's undergarments, aramid, 1 ea" issued with the bags?

who knows they weren't bulletproof
‘Real’ pilots get whatever is on the rack at Goodwill, saving that $$ for aviation expenses. If wanting to impress the ladies, find other ways than looking like a G.Q. model.