That all started with the posting on Flyertalk, which was picked up by the media (and made it onto Fark, too, I believe). The poster is a longtime regular on FT.
This incident officially makes us an oppressed nation. Oppression includes detaining people who make derogatory comments about folks in power. That is clearly the case here. There was no profanity, no threat, no incitement - just a simple opinion about someone in power. Detention (and we don't yet know if it will end him up on the no-fly list) is unwarranted and prima fascia evidence of oppression.
/slight thread shift/
I've spent some time in Washington lately trolling for a network contacts and a new job. To a person, everyone I talk to that even starts to interface with the government says "DHS and TSA are a total mess internally". That includes a lot of folks who don't know what they're doing. Someone told me yesterday that folks in DHS spend so much time talking about political posturing and making themselves look good to the folks in power (Hawley) that less than half their day is spent doing actual work. A business, then, would fire half the workers as redundant.
It is well known throughout Washinton that DHS is a mess, but no one is able to do anything about it (one comment made to me was "out of fear of the administration").
Again, and to be clear, I am relaying comments made to me by others, I have no direct knowledge. However, based on these comments and outward appearances, it sure looks to me like a lot of CYA... as well as political posturing before the election.
Opinion: given these incidents, we are defeating ourselves as a Nation internally. I fear for the republic.
/now back to the original topic, lest I have to move my comments to SZ/