Mythbusters: Adam files with the Blue Angels!

IIRC, they don't put g-suits on their passengers for the demo rides. Adam went to 7.3 sustained before he passed out. I used to be good to 4g easy without the suit, but beyond 6? Not much...

...but of course, an F-111 comes to a screeching halt when you pull that much, so it wasn't a really tactically useful maneuver, anyway -- better to turn tail and run at, say, 800 knots on the deck (where nobody can catch you but another 'vark) than to turn into a fight.
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Sort of. They busted the myth of sonic booms breaking glass.
One window broke because the pressure wave dislodged the
window frame.
IIRC, they don't put g-suits on their passengers for the demo rides. Adam went to 7.3 sustained before he passed out. I used to be good to 4g easy without the suit, but beyond 6? Not much...

They don't use G-suits themselves either - Something about the combination of a center stick and inflating pants being a bad idea. ;)

7.3 is pretty impressive without a suit! I haven't gone past about 4.75, but I could feel it - Dunno if I'd make 7!