My Vacation Time Got Approved Today! :)


Ejection Handle Pulled
May 8, 2010
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I can go to the Bahamas for Spring Break, land on the grass at Gaston's in time for the pizza party, AND buy a very fashionable North 40 weekly camping bracelet to wear... and use it up! :thumbsup:
Question is, will Chris be there, too?
Question is, will Chris be there, too?

More importantly, will Nikki?

LOL... I guess I ought to bring them both! Christopher enjoyed Gaston's last year although he has always been a less than enthusiastic Oshkosh attendee. :( He isn't into tent camping, hates the shower trailers and the long line for men that always goes with that, and doesn't want to learn or fly the Ripon/Fisk arrival. :dunno: But, he is a good sport and will come with me if I ask him. Just hope for decent weather... he gets grumpier in proportion to the heat and humidity when there is no escape from it. :(

Even more importantly, how's Nikki doing? I hate C.

Nikki is doing really well, Grant and is being a trooper so far! Thanks for asking! She goes for her second round of chemotherapy on Thursday. They are alternating her on Doxorubicin and Carboplatin every three weeks for the next 18 weeks as long as she continues to tolerate that and have a good quality of life during treatment. Every day is a gift... I am hoping that we will have one more summer with her to enjoy. :)
Now get your cbp sticker and give Nikki a hug for me!! Don't forget to call Rick and Pia. We will have another blast
Yeah so Gastons should work real well for him then:wink2:

Yes, but the difference there is that there is somewhere with AC to sleep at night. I think that makes a difference to him. The husband is not a live/sleep outdoors kind of guy. :dunno: The past couple of years, we have done the hotel thing at Oshkosh and he has been OK with that!

Most people would consider me kinda girl-y, but I'm willing to walk around in public looking like I've been living outside for a week to go to Airventure. Guess it's just all a matter of priority! :eek: