MY turn to rant.......baked beans


Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Mar 10, 2013
Oakland, CA
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Bro do you even lift

baked beans. yum. I eat em for a snack sometimes.

got two cans here, the one is labeled "NEW SIZE". no, it is not a new sized baked bean, the can is a new size. HOWEVER, if you notice the difference in size <funny locker room comment omitted here>, it is .3oz bigger, or 9grams. first thought was "wtf?". so's I gots to googling. yes, google knows how much a baked bean weighs. actually, it know how much a teaspoon of baked beans weighs. ONE TEAspoon of baked beans weighs about 5grams, so the NEW SIZE can has just under TWO TEAspoons more baked beans.
what in the world is the point of that??!!? I guess you can feed .00000000000037 more family members with that amount. how many baked beans actually fit in a teaspoon? that experiment I didn't try. anyways, I don't understand this. the only thing I can think of is that the can size was somehow easier for them to manufacture, because the difference in beanage doesn't amount to much of anything.
Is the new can any bigger or did they just shove more beans in the same can? If it's the same size can I wonder if they changed the ingredients slightly and replaced some ingredient with something more dense (and probably cheaper)
well technically if the can was the same size but they squoze more beanage in there, they should say 'new amount', not new size. er, I think.
The most dense thing in there is likely bean sauce, thus, likely less actual beans.
Does anyone else like the canned decried beans or am I just a disgusting human being?
What percentage of that weight increase is from the can and not just the beans?
Be thankful! Packaging and thus the amount of goods in a package has been decreasing the last few years due to higher costs. Be thankful you are getting more!!!!!!

Won't you also get more fart power to? As a bi-product.
And that was a rant? LOL You need to meet up with Sac and get a few lessons. LOL
Think the different weights of cans is an issue... look closer at other products and note that often you're paying the same amount for less of the item from the manufacturer...

Recently I needed facial tissue... And just a single box..... In the same section of the shelf were boxes of Kleenex all labeled the same price. But most of the boxes were 50-70 sheets less than other boxes.

So be paying attention as you do your shopping.

[and yes, you need lessons from Sac.... who often I picture as this guy from a very famous duo, who is also known for his creative rants]

The most dense thing in there is likely bean sauce, thus, likely less actual beans.

I'm voting for this. Although, I suspect the sauce is actually more valuable than the beans.
Kinda like those chip bags that say Family Size but in reality, half of the bag is just air.
You are measuring the wrong end of the equation.

Which can makes your wife complain faster?
this belongs on a Pet Peeve thread. Think I saw one of those once.