My son is taking flying lessons

Hello! I'm new to this site and this forum. My 17-year-old son started taking flying lessons and is working on getting a private pilot license. He has been obsessed with planes and flying since he was a little boy. I love seeing the joy he gets from each lesson and the seriousness he is taking it with. The irony here is that I have a huge fear of flying, to the point where I cannot get on an commercial airplane without Xanax. Small planes? Can't even think about it. My son until recently had no idea I had this fear, I always hid it from him because I worried I would pass it on to him. Mission accomplished. And it's awesome that he is so passionate about this and I'm supportive. But... any advice on how I can sleep at night?
I’m late to the party: there have been a lot of comments about accident statistics, so I’ll take a different tack. He’s 17, you’re supportive, he’s making adult decisions that have adult consequences. You notice his maturity level increasing, and he’s thriving. Relax, you did a great job!
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I’m late to the party: there have been a lot of comments about accident statistics, so I’ll take a different tack. He’s 17, you’re supportive, he’s making adult decisions that have adult consequences. You notice his maturity level increasing, and he’s thriving. Relax, you did a great job!
This is true. I did noticed his maturity increasing in the last month or so.