I've read this entire thread. I wasn't there and don't know what really happened. Based on the photos, it doesn't look so bad - THIS time. Again, I don't know.
That said, I have a few comments that may be of use to somebody somewhere...
could it be that what I've been trying to say repeatedly since I made the original post is that I exaggerated (embellished) the truth, on account of the excitement I felt coming back?
Yes. Yes. Got it. In fact, you seem to have a history of over-excited posting (given threads here and on the "other" board, AKA studentpilot.com) that requires significant explanation after the fact.
Clearly, signs of one of the Hazardous Attitudes... "Impulsivity"
(Which seems pretty alarming, considering the time lapse between the flight and posting; really, it's no longer the "heat of the moment.")
and all these veiled threats about the FAA and FSDO - what are they good for?
My guess is that he's hoping they're good enough to keep you from a repeat scenario.
this was NOT IMC. For the brief moments I spent in "it", if a plane flew above, I'd see it. If a plane flew below, I'd see it. If a plane came nearby, I'd see it. I could look down and see the ocean while in that bit of misty haze or whatever you want to call it. If I tried real hard, I could even make out the hillsides a few thousand feet away.
See it when? Before it's too late?
Fact is, I have flown with a CFI before in similar conditions, more than once, and was instructed every time that it was not IMC. I had and have no reason to think it was IMC.
OK - you've pulled out this "wouldn't have done it if I hadn't have done it with a CFI" line a few times. Just to be clear, that does NOT necessarily mean that 1) what you did with the CFI was safe or 2) this was a reasonable thing for you to go off an do on your own.
At some point, in this thread or maybe somewhere else, you talked about being prepared to go on instruments - you were expecting it and hence, ready. That's a good thing. But...as a VFR pilot, you should not be needing to do this unless it is an emergency.
Another hazardous attitude? "It can't happen to me."
Coupled with the prior "I'm a man" statement about seeking a more "challenging" route (to Las Vegas) and few other comments, I'd say I'm also seeing a bit of the "Macho" attitude too.
So just chill, alright? I'm sorry I made the post. I'm sorry I ever came to imagine that this forum was a place where I could share my flying excitement (yes, with all the silly chest beating that sometimes comes with it). That notion is certainly gone forever. I'll work on finding real-life pilots to talk to, so I don't have to ever try to this here again.
Please don't go away. You're very entertaining.