My Mechanic Tried To Kill Me -- WINGS event at T67 Wednesday, March 15


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 13, 2010
Denton, TX
Display Name

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The original "I don't know it all" of aviation.
This Wednesday, the EAA chapter based at Hicks (T67) will be hosting a WINGS presentation "My Mechanic Tried To Kill Me"

Dinner/social hour is at 6:00pm, meeting and presentation starts at 7:00. Both are at The Beacon diner.

Additional info:
A presentation from Tamara Griffith called "My Mechanic Tried To Kill Me."

Join Tamara as she presents some of her life lessons in aviation that involve aircraft maintenance mishaps. It's going to be fun and exciting! A&P's and pilots are invited. If you are an airplane owner, you won't want to miss this.

Earn WINGS credits while you're at it.

Tamara is a full time Chief CFI at Fox Aviation. Additionally, she is an A&P, IA, and holds several instructor certificates.​

(Original link removed and replaced with text describing event)
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link is broken
Made an edit. Try it again.

I posted with my iPad, and tried the revised link in both Safari and Chrome.. worked on both. If it remains broken, I'll investigate further on my PC station at work.
It is in a group in fb. Likely have to be a member of N. TX aviators to see it.
Yes, its still broken Mike.
Ha, I guess mechanics aren't thin skinned and won't object to such a title!
This Wednesday, the EAA chapter based at Hicks (T67) will be hosting a WINGS presentation "My Mechanic Tried To Kill Me"

Dinner/social hour is at 6:00pm, meeting and presentation starts at 7:00. Both are at The Beacon diner.

Additional info at this Facebook page:

Mike Busch puttin' that on? :D Sounds like something from Savvy.
If its a WINGS presentation, there should be a page for it on the FAA WINGS website as well, so you don't have to get on fb.