Did I notice that you mentioned running out of elevator on landing from time to time?
I just noticed a minute ago that starting in 1981 they upped the travel 2*.
Just found it interesting
That is interesting. I don't think I've ever run out, landing, but the STOL makes it so if you flare high you won't have any elevator left for the mistake. Power is the only option then. Lots of drag. Lots of downward direction.
The non-STOL would be moving faster and you'd "arrive" instead of land but the wing would still be producing more lift across the entire span. When we're that slow the stall fences on top start "singing". You can hear that you're slow, and you know the only thing controlling descent rate is power at that point. Hauling any further back will just increase it.
It's much easier with the STOL to get way behind the power curve.
I think adding more up elevator to ours would just increase the likelihood of a tailstrike if you weren't dilligent with the airspeed. Especially loaded aft-CG.
Once you're on the ground you can run out of elevator very easily before the nose comes down with even a minor headwind. Then that heavy O-470 out front overcomes the tail's downforce and it goes plop.
Maybe that's why they added a couple of degrees, to give you the ability to lower the nose gracefully at very slow speeds.
Land faster and "fly" the nose down, it's no problem at all. But, I still only get that right about 1 in 4 landings anyway, so ... Dunno.
I run out of up *trim* all the time, though.
Most landings are already full-up on the trim wheel, but if you made that trim tab bigger, a full-power go-around would be quite entertaining.
You don't run out of trim if you drag it in with power either, which is a commonly used Skylane technique for "land-o-matic" landings.
I have problems with that. I don't want to end up short of the runway if I started from a position within easy gliding distance in the downwind and lose the engine.
That may just be my 10 or so hours in gliders talking there, but it seems silly to go out three miles and fly an airliner approach with power if there's no operational need to do it.
'Round here the stupid pattern gets larger and larger and larger the more aircraft are doing T&G on 35L at KAPA. There's times when one could plan and fly a cross-country from base to final, I swear.