My ladyfriend smells like smoked meats

One drawback of staying with her is getting an erection every time you walk past a BBQ joint.
Just make sure she finishes her day working with Bacon. Everyone likes the smell of Bacon.
Look on the bright side. I bet you could work in the words "meat" and "flaps" into the same conversation without it being dirty.
You telling us your girlfriend smells like a sausage factory?:D Start smoking cigarettes that'll cure ya. Fight stench with worse stench.
We need pics of said girlfriend before we can tell you to dump or keep.
I'll bet it takes care of itself pretty soon. This whole thing doesn't have that made in heaven feel to it. If not one, the other will end it.
I took her to eat sushi and got way too much. Trying to find a full body pic. She has *ahem* very large......tracts of land!
I took her to eat sushi and got way too much. Trying to find a full body pic. She has *ahem* very large......tracts of land!

Seriously, is the smell of smoked meat the only issue to attraction? I'm having trouble with that one factor being a deal breaker.
Seriously, is the smell of smoked meat the only issue to attraction? I'm having trouble with that one factor being a deal breaker.

To be completely frank (see what I did there? hurr hurr) I just don't know if I can beat to it. She's not very girly-girly and that kinda bugs me. Never wears perfume, doesn't really care what she wears (which is why she wears meat-clothes to my house) and just generally doesn't care.
I just have a lot of mixed emotions about her. Like there is a lot of stuff that I would like her to change. (Like her clothes after work)
If it really bothers and she doesn't get the hint, it may be time to move on. As my high school Economics teacher (and neighboy) used to tell us, "Women are like buses, you miss one and another one comes along every five minutes." And my personal favorite, "Close only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades, and drive-in moveis."
To be completely frank (see what I did there? hurr hurr) I just don't know if I can beat to it. She's not very girly-girly and that kinda bugs me. Never wears perfume, doesn't really care what she wears (which is why she wears meat-clothes to my house) and just generally doesn't care.

Ahhh, so we have more issues, sounds like she's not the right match for you. Expecting a person to change their stripes for you is pretty much unrealistic, funny thing is it's typically a mistake girls make. The question for you is what are you looking for in a girl? Her qualities that you don't like have some benefits in the long run as well. If you have ever tried to get out of the house with a girl that is 'girly-girl' and requires all the clothes, make up, perfume... to be right every time, that can get quite frustrating quickly as well, plus she may require the same of you. This girl is what we would term as 'low maintenance', what you are looking for is what we term as 'high maintenance', and God help you if you get what you are looking for.:lol:

While it is possible to put extra maintenance on a low maintenance model, you can buy some clothes for her like you can put extra wax on a Chevy, you can't decrease maintenance on a high maintenance model, a Ferrari will put a mechanic's kids through medical school whether you like it or not, if you don't, you quickly lose the pleasure of using the Ferrari. Plus one will appreciate the extra attention while the other demands it.

Chose wisely my young man.;) This one has a cute 'Nerdgasma' look to her.
I agree on the Nerdgasma. I think if she changed her clothes after work and showered I could definitely beat to it. I also really liked the metaphors - thanks Henning.
I agree on the Nerdgasma. I think if she changed her clothes after work and showered I could definitely beat to it. I also really liked the metaphors - thanks Henning.

When she spends the night, some while after she goes to sleep, bite her. When she wakes up yelling at you, act like you just woke up and apologize saying "sorry, I had this dream where I was eating a brisket.".:rofl:

Outside of that, get her a couple changes of clothes and hop in the shower with her when she comes over, most girls like having their hair washed for them...
Low maintenance, big mountains, meat discounts, that is a better deal then you might realize. If she treats you well stay on the ride for awhile. You could do a lot worse.
You better hope like hell she never finds this thread.
Not a girly girl but still has the proper equipment?

Sounds more like a win than a loss to me!

I've dated the girly girl, came back around to the tomboy in the end
You better hope like hell she never finds this thread.

Now how would that ever happen?:rofl::rofl::rofl:

He better hope that any subsequent "ladyfriends" don't find it either, or they might just imagine their pictures and grooming habits are fair game to be posted on an open forum for male discussion and dissection.

And seeing there are currently almost 10 years of posts archived here already, me thinks his risk exposure might be a bit higher than most of us would be comfortable with. :lol:
He better hope that any subsequent "ladyfriends" don't find it either, or they might just imagine their pictures and grooming habits are fair game to be posted on an open forum for male discussion and dissection.

And seeing there are currently almost 10 years of posts archived here already, me thinks his risk exposure might be a bit higher than most of us would be comfortable with. :lol:

To be fair, I took that picture with the intention of posting it on Facebook (which is also public)

I always forget that PoA is public and not sitting in a room talking with my friends like the PB.
PoA is more like sitting in an auditorium with a bunch of buds and randos talking through a megaphone.
You better hope like hell she never finds this thread.
Right? Seriously, people have to watch what they put on the internets-it can come back to you pretty hard and suddenly David could find his meat supply cutoff (no pun intended).
Meh..I was a D-bag when I was in my late teens too. Must be part of growing up. Guess I'm getting old.

I'm not good looking enough to be able to afford to be a D-Bag.
True story. I'm an ******* - I've decided to ride this one out and see where it takes me.

If your going to ride, use the context of riding like on a horse rather than in a car. Riding a horse is a relationship that you develop with constant subtle input. Riding in a car you just wait for whatever happens to happen. Like I said, buy her some clothes to keep at the house.