My daughter Anja ("on-ya") was born March 17, 8 pounds 15 ounces, 21.5 inches long.
The last three weeks have flown by.
PS - If she's one of those "sleep through the night" babies... don't tell anyone.
A. It annoys the sleep-deprived and those who remember those days
B. It will arouse the wrath of the Great God Murphy, just like a redneck yelling "Hey Y'all, watch THIS!"
You think the last 3 weeks have flown by? Turn around and she'll be a teenager, turn around twice and she'll be graduating college.
Late to this post but congratulations!
How did the pregnancy etc. affect your flying? When did you / did you not fly as PIC?
I stopped flying when I was getting too tired a few months ago. I underestimated how tired and uncomfortable I would be. I am starting to think about flying again. The first thing I have to do is a BFR, so that will be a good way to get back into it.