My favorite new install kit

My grandson is two...he has tools. I made him a tool tote for Christmas so he can carry his tools with him ALL THE TIME, so he can fix anything, anywhere, any time.:cool:
I had to buy my 14YO son his own tool box so he had a place to keep the tools he "borrowed" and collected. He's not a millennial, but that is still an old trope...
Yep. Might as well go to Harbor "use once tool company" Freight.

Harbor freight has a very bipolar lineup. When they want to go after a high end product, they do so successfully. But everything else is hit or miss, often breaks the first use.

I have one of their toolboxes, have had it for about 8 years, very happy. The 3 jaw puller I bought for pulling a pulley off the old RV alternator broke the first use.
Yep. Might as well go to Harbor "use once tool company" Freight.

Some of their new stuff (Icon brand) is actually quite good. I guess that's what happens when you go to the same OEMs as the big American tool brands.