My baby boy completed his long solo cross country!


Final Approach
Jul 10, 2011
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I knew Thomas was supposed to fly yesterday with his CFI, what he didn't tell me us that he had planned his long cross country on Sunday night. :nono: :D He called me last night just before dark to tell me he had done it, the last big obstacle between him and his PPL!! :yes: I guess he thought I would worry, and he's probably right, but I'm so proud of him:D KAHN- KGRD-KSPA-KAHN 190 miles.
I knew Thomas was supposed to fly yesterday with his CFI, what he didn't tell me us that he had planned his long cross country on Sunday night. :nono: :D He called me last night just before dark to tell me he had done it, the last big obstacle between him and his PPL!! :yes: I guess he thought I would worry, and he's probably right, but I'm so proud of him:D KAHN- KGRD-KSPA-KAHN 190 miles.

Good for him!
I knew Thomas was supposed to fly yesterday with his CFI, what he didn't tell me us that he had planned his long cross country on Sunday night. :nono: :D He called me last night just before dark to tell me he had done it, the last big obstacle between him and his PPL!! :yes: I guess he thought I would worry, and he's probably right, but I'm so proud of him:D KAHN- KGRD-KSPA-KAHN 190 miles.

It's fun watching your kids become pilots!
Congratulations to him! You're obviously proud, and rightly so. Yay!
I knew Thomas was supposed to fly yesterday with his CFI, what he didn't tell me us that he had planned his long cross country on Sunday night. :nono: :D He called me last night just before dark to tell me he had done it, the last big obstacle between him and his PPL!! :yes: I guess he thought I would worry, and he's probably right, but I'm so proud of him:D KAHN- KGRD-KSPA-KAHN 190 miles.

Congratz... but I would say the Checkride is the last big obstacle between him and his PPL.
Children following the example of parents to better themselves is an indicator of good parenting. Good stuff John!
Good for him,wish him luck on the flight test.
I did KGMU-KAHN-KGRD-KGMU for my long cross country. I love the Athens airport. Tower told me to come back and hang out and have a Coke next time I was in the area!
I did KGMU-KAHN-KGRD-KGMU for my long cross country. I love the Athens airport. Tower told me to come back and hang out and have a Coke next time I was in the area!

Athens tower is great, they seem to recognize my airplane after a few trips, knew I wasn't based there, but always seemed very friendly! :yes:
Congratz... but I would say the Checkride is the last big obstacle between him and his PPL.
Of course that's true, but I have never really been concerned about his ability to pass a checkride, he did his previous solo cross country about 2 1/2 years ago. I think he scared himself a little and backed off his training, several factors including his CFI moving out of state played into it. So, we are excited that he is back on track to finish now. His current CFI is an former examiner, so he's tough on him, but it's working well so far. :D
Cool. At least he didn't end up in Tennessee. :rofl:

Yeah, I remember my long solo CC, I went from Carrollton GA to Tuskegee AL to Anniston AL and back to Carrollton. I was so excited climbing up high, I can't remember the exact altitude, but it was 7500 ft or so, I looked down and saw Anniston! I was 7500 overhead and had to make a large circling decent to land!!:nono:
Fun times!!
Congrats to him!

My pilot parents preferred not to know when I was out soloing. I don't remember if I told them about the solo XC's prior or not. I don't blame them, I wouldn't want to know if my 21 year old kid was going around AZ in an airplane by herself!
Congrats! It's a great feeling, no?

(Wait till he flies into Oshkosh... THAT is cool!)