Anyone worried about the possibility of starting a fire, probably very remote, using some of our jury-rigged enclosures?
Just put together my statux with 2 SDRs using the latest image software and it connected perfectly to FLYQ 2.1.1. The initial and only flight seemed uneventful but got loads of traffic and metars in severe clear weather.
I had gone to the local Home Depot and picked up two possible enclosures to play with. Husky made a plastic 7 inch long box that looked like I could do something with it. But I also picked up a Husky circular tool bag. Since it was easy and I was anxious to fly, I stuffed all the components vertically connected with short cables, the Pie itself in its plastic case, and an Ankar battery. The base of the stock antennas fit in an outside pocket and and the shafts were vertically supported by a purse string on either side of the tool bag. It has a cloth handle that was used to suspend the conglomeration from the baggage compartment clothes hanging loop in my Archer. Pretty nifty as it stays plumb during most flight maneuvers. While the bag itself may be canvass, the inner lining is made of material cloth mesh, and the top of the bag left open.
As I was about to leave on a long trip, leaving the stratux unattended during flight in the baggage compartment, unreachable and out of my scan gave me pause.
Any thoughts?