My airport mancave is done!


Feb 8, 2012
Brenham Tx
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I got a T hangar with a office attached which outlooks the runway at Brenham. I repainted, put in a new floor and bought all the rest of the stuff. Me and the wife finished it up earlier, she is at the airport hangin with her girlfriends while I am stuck at work :-(
I guess it is a womancave tonight?


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Alright, so I just looked at the pictures and didn't read your post. Yes, I see it's in your hangar. Looks great.
nice crank....and prop. :D

The crank broke while I was in the air in my 540 Christen Eagle. I made a safe landing at the airport. Some idiot jacked that prop up :-o


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Man cave thread? :)

Here's my favorite view at the man cave/hangar.


The NFL package rocks. ;)

Our recent trip through Europe necessitated putting up a new shelf in the man cave.

You LET your wife in your hangar???

No wait, you TOLD her where it is??

Whipped. :rofl:

Seriously, nice looking place to spend time. Is there a plane? hehe
You LET your wife in your hangar???

No wait, you TOLD her where it is??

Whipped. :rofl:

Seriously, nice looking place to spend time. Is there a plane? hehe

Yep there is a plane.
I have a 2010 Pitts Model 12
1940 J-3 Cub
and like my son says a boring old Cessna
Very nice. :yes:

I'll bet Glen is glad you got it because I was not planning to spend a dime on it.

I have an old couch I planned to throw in there and a poker table with a cooler full of beer. It was going to be a dirty old man cave.
Very nice. :yes:

I'll bet Glen is glad you got it because I was not planning to spend a dime on it.

I have an old couch I planned to throw in there and a poker table with a cooler full of beer. It was going to be a dirty old man cave.

Thanks for letting me slide in on it. I had my eye on that hangar for many years. You can come over and drink beer :)
Very nice! I like 11R, it's a fairly regular lunch stop.
Very nice. And it's okay to allow the ladies to enjoy the man cave when no man activities are scheduled. :D