Mutants, "human persons" & other categories (Medicals)


Final Approach
Mar 4, 2020
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Dale Andee
Could this be coming soon to an FAA medical near you? Not sure I understand what they are after here, unless the world really has gone completely nuts ...

From the article:

"By law, Chile prohibits discriminating against mutants and genetically altered people. The curious regulation was presented by Senator Alejandro Navarro Brain, approved unanimously and published in the official gazette on Wednesday, February 16, 2022."

"Why does Chile prohibit discrimination against mutants and genetically altered people? Who are these people and what is the rationale behind the need for this provision? What new trend justifies this initiative?"
Not sure I understand what they are after here,
FYI: to keep it within the rules... according to the Spanish comments there and on several other sites, its merely their translated version of protecting the rights of certain "rainbow" persons. Spanish tends to have a limited capability when it comes to describing non-standard English descriptions. But its definitely not trying to legalize The Island of Dr. Moreau within Chile.
FYI: to keep it within the rules... according to the Spanish comments there and on several other sites, its merely their translated version of protecting the rights of certain "rainbow" persons. Spanish tends to have a limited capability when it comes to describing non-standard English descriptions. But its definitely not trying to legalize The Island of Dr. Moreau within Chile.
Sounds accurate enough
I didn't know "rainbow people" were genetically altered.
Well, they can be genitally altered, if that counts.
I didn't know "rainbow people" were genetically altered.
Reading some more on this it appears there are a whole slew of legislations being passed that address/protect individuals who are considered outside the "norm" whatever that may be. Best guess from the Spanish comments the "norm" seems to be based on a belief structure as a number of comments are belief orientated. Another law that was passed last year in Chile was protecting people's "brain rights" as best as I can decipher. Definitely some interesting things being discussed in SA that are a big change from when I lived there.
My guess is they are looking to protect the androids, borgs, all of the 66 gender identities, werewolves, & vampires ... not to mention where science is taking this. :dunno:
Chilean politics surrounding the covid vax (mRNA based technology).
