We've just had a spate of folks lately asking for folks to feed them info to complete their college level schoolwork or write articles they get paid to write.
It just seems like there's libraries full of really good texts on the topic, thus I question the motivation. Sorry that might not have been a reasonable reply.
I shouldn't jump to that conclusion, but most folks start with what their goal is when asking for detailed assistance describing an experience easily gained with an airplane and a CFI.
No offense intended if you're just asking the question. I just found those other threads where folks only came clean late in the thread that they were using the message board to do their work assigned to them, a little weird and unethical on their part. Actually I found the one where the article writer even stated it right at the beginning slightly uncomfortable too.
Asking out of curiosity to a "community" site is normal. I've seem a lot of online IT communities of old turn into "tell me how to do my job" boards over many years, so I'm probably hyper-sensitive to it at a hobby site.
So I kinda wiggled into the topic very obtusely to see what your reaction was to the implied question. It's probably better left to a different thread titled "Should PoA do student's homework or author's article research for them?"
Sorry. It may become a new pet peeve. But I also understand sometimes we all just need some info to get started on a project too.
My recommendation in all honesty is if you've flown an aircraft to a stall that mushes, you've already got the story you want to tell in the memories of the experience! Tell it your way!
That's probably the best and fairest answer and I should have started there. Apologies.