Line Up and Wait
Okay, I have fun at the gym and on mud/obstacle events, etc. Have a lot of muscle, but could also shed plenty of fat as well. Now I have more drive to do so. At 280 lbs, I can't soar with my CFI - Weight and CG both out of whack. So I decided to do a weight and balance on the J3 Cub that is just getting finished up. If our actual specs are close to those I found on the Internet, even at 1/2 tanks my CFI and I would be over 30 lbs too heavy but the CG would be good. !@#$#@! I'll continue to lift weights as that is one of my best stress relief options (along with flying), but I'll definitely add some more cardio and concentrate on dropping some weight. Blankety-Blank Endomorph body styles anyway...
After the 2013 Warrier Dash...
After the 2013 Warrier Dash...