Multi-quote bug


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
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Actually, the bug manifests even when not multi-quoting.

After you select messages to multi-quote, if you quote a message in a different thread first, there will be a line just below the main message input box that says "You have selected 1 posts that are not part of this thread. Quote these posts as well, or deselect these posts."

Once you actually quote a post in the multi-quoted thread and respond, that line should disappear from subsequent new post pages, or at least that's how it's worked until this week.

This week (not sure exactly when it started), I've been getting that line even when I quote a post, not using multi-quote at all. When I click to "quote these posts as well" it turns out to be the last post I quoted, even when not using multi-quote. In addition, until I either "quote as well" or "deselect these posts" I get that alert on every single message I quote in any thread. It doesn't continue adding up the posts, it's always just the most recent message I quoted.
Safari 3.2.1 on Mac OS X 10.5.6, 17" MacBook Pro.

I'm testing it in FireFox right now too to see if it's browser-specific.

Doesn't appear to happen in FireFox.

It seems like the last couple of updates to Safari have broken more sites than they've fixed. I now use FireFox when I need to see route lines in the flight plan on Skyvector, when I need to upload files to, and the latest update seems to have introduced both this and the inability to print from Google Docs.

It's too bad I really dislike the visual presentation and interface in FireFox or I'd use it all the time.

*Runs to find the nearest Apple employee to grumble to*