Multi-Comm Addon or CFI?


Jan 20, 2014
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Ted Striker
Finished up my CPL SEL the other day and I can't figure out which course to take next.

If I got my CFI first and was hired by the flight school that I currently fly out of, I would get a 10% discount on the multi-addon saving a bit of money. The CFI course would take a good bit longer than the multi-addon.

If I got my multi-addon first, I would be available for more job openings, should someone need a co-pilot on a jet (if I were so lucky) but I still would have no immediate income. I could knock out the multi, weather permitting, within a week or two.

Which option seems more appropriate to take from someone else's perspective? I want to go multi first, seeing as I could take any offer that was to arise and being able to get it over with shortly.
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ME add-on will take a lot less time than your CFI. I'd probably get the multi first if money wasn't tight. If it is, then I'd probably get the CFI first to start rolling in some dough. I wouldn't expect to get a job flying twins with a fresh ME rating. It can happen, but I definitely wouldn't count on it.
Finished up my CPL SEL the other day and I can't figure out which course to take next.

If I got my CFI first and was hired by the flight school that I currently fly out of, I would get a 10% discount on the multi-addon saving a bit of money. The CFI course would take a good bit longer than the multi-addon.

If I got my multi-addon first, I would be available for more job openings, should someone need a co-pilot on a jet (if I were so lucky) but I still would have no immediate income. I could knock out the multi, weather permitting, within a week or two.

Which option seems more appropriate to take from someone else's perspective? I want to go multi first, seeing as I could take any offer that was to arise and being able to get it over with shortly.

:confused: You can knock out the ME in a weekend.
Multi is much quicker, so that might be a better idea. However don't expect to be an FO on a jet after you get the multi, most charter jobs (even on light twins) will want around 100hrs multi time.
Get the rating that you will be able to actually use. By what your describing CFI sounds more useful for you.
Finished up my CPL SEL the other day and I can't figure out which course to take next.

If I got my CFI first and was hired by the flight school that I currently fly out of, I would get a 10% discount on the multi-addon saving a bit of money. The CFI course would take a good bit longer than the multi-addon.

If I got my multi-addon first, I would be available for more job openings, should someone need a co-pilot on a jet (if I were so lucky) but I still would have no immediate income. I could knock out the multi, weather permitting, within a week or two.

Which option seems more appropriate to take from someone else's perspective? I want to go multi first, seeing as I could take any offer that was to arise and being able to get it over with shortly.

Well, I have my CP-AMEL and not my CFI, and I'm the smartest guy I know. So there you go. ;)

FWIW, I do have a couple hours of multi-turbine time I wouldn't have had if I didn't have the ME rating... And you might get some right seat time in a jet if you're in the right place at the right time. I got a little. Lance F from this board got a LOT. Can't do it if you don't have the rating.
If its quick for ME do it and then work on CFI cuz CFI may take a long time but at least you got another rating quickly.. And can do other things in the meanwhile while working on the CFI. BTW I only have a PPL LOL and 48 total hours.
If it were me I would do CFI, CFII, C-MEL, MEI (If you have the opportunity to teach in a twin.)
The multi add on is an easy rating . Not that costly overall.
Do the multi first only if money for both isn't an issue. If money might run out and you can afford to finish the CFI do that first.
Thanks for the input, everyone. My flight school doesn't get as much student traffic as I would like and I certainly would not be able to pay any bills if instructing is my only source of income.

I feel like the ME rating would be far more useful to me at this point. I don't expect flying jobs to fall at my feet, but I would like to be qualified should anything come up.
I still do not have the multi add-on yet. Haven't had the chance to use one had I actually have added it on yet.
Conversely, I was offered 4 positions at 4 different schools as a cfi though.
If it were me I would do CFI, CFII, C-MEL, MEI (If you have the opportunity to teach in a twin.)

That's the route I've taken. Should have my II by May and then will go at the MEL. I think the CFI is a lot more useful than the MEL, but that's just me.