Taxi to Parking
No, not me. I'll never set foot in Cook Couty as long as that worm ridden turd Daley is in power, but I have a friend moving there, and they are quickly finding that they aren't going to be able to live close to work, and be able to get a nice place (comparable to what they have now) for what they can spend. They are also seeing it costs way more to live there than they thought it did.
What are the good neighborhoods to commute from to downtown?
Based on:
Cost of acquisition (max 350k, 3BR, 2BA, bsmt, yard for 3 small dogs, off street parking)
Commute time and ease
Nicety of neighborhood
I told 'em not to move there, but no one ever listens to me.
What are the good neighborhoods to commute from to downtown?
Based on:
Cost of acquisition (max 350k, 3BR, 2BA, bsmt, yard for 3 small dogs, off street parking)
Commute time and ease
Nicety of neighborhood
I told 'em not to move there, but no one ever listens to me.