[Movie] Suicide Squad

Sorry, I did not mean on release to mean opening weekend. I meant that movies that make way more than production cost over the course of their normal release seem to find a way to drop all the profits before taxes are due.

The movie studios, just like most international corporations, use ever single trick in the book to make sure that on paper every production is a money loser.

One link of thousands giving a short explanation on how they do their magic:

Just noticed Suicide Squad earned $135M opening weekend.
That demographic appears profitable.
Absolutely! Gotta appease the dumb masses.
Target audience is very important, it is the cash cow of Hollywood.
If this country had only smart people, Hollywood would be a desolate desert by now. ;)

Saw the latest Borne movie. Pass. Crap story, passable acting, and the director was shaking the camera like a spastic monkey to make it seem like there was constant action. If you get seasick, don't see this movie in a theater.

I liked the acting and story lines, but absolutely hate the new directing style where, for some reason, no shot lasts more than 1-2 seconds. Because of that I can't watch the Bourne movies.