Final Approach
Can you just imagine the usual commute traffic maniac with one of these things? The outages from hitting power poles and mayhem striking overpasses, trees, and buildings?
Just wait until a gusty cross wind day.
Oh yes. The whole "commute by drone" has a lot of kinks to work out and likely not the utopia proponents imagine it. If anyone buys this machine thinking they will commute with it, they are in for a rude awakening due to their own lack of due diligence.
I do believe that eventually people will commute by air someday, but not until electrical energy storage becomes much, much more energy dense, not until there is a huge revision in ATC and the regs, not until there is full autonomous operation with the passengers having no input and not until the machines become more powerful and all weather capable. Even then, it is not clear if air taxis, or shuttles will actually make commuting easier, or just create another commute nightmare in the sky. Sure, it's great if there are just ten people using the system, but what about thousands?