Mountain Lion South of Madison, WI!

Just saw a bobcat across the street from my house. I ran to get my camera but only got this shot of him. I'll bet this is one of the mistaken mountain lions that have been reported around here. While one 'mountain lion' was really found the rest of the reports are most likely these guys.

C'mon Scott. That's Fifi, the neighbors Tabby cat.

C'mon Scott. That's Fifi, the neighbors Tabby cat.

Not with tufted ears and about twice the size of a house cat it ain't!

When I first saw it I thought coyote, they are very common around here. It was about that size too.

The tail length is not right though.
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A few years ago I saw one crossing the road at twilight on the other side of our tracks. Couldn't believe it.

I saw one on my land north of Lincoln, NE about 12 years ago. I've hunted all my life, and I know wildlife. This was no bobcat. What struck me was the tail was as long as the body and huge. It appeared to have no ears (like a coyote). No one believed me until about 5 years latter then caught 2 in Omaha 45 miles away. :D Rumor has it NE game & parks was releasing them to curb deer populations.
That's a very large bobcat compared to what I have seen in these parts.
Bobcat size seems to increase with latitude and elevation, making bobcats in Wisconsin larger (on average) than those from other parts of the country (Anderson and Lovallo 2003). Lovallo (1993) conducted a home range study in northwestern Wisconsin where the average weight of adult males captured was 13.7 kg. (n=11) and the average weight of adult females was 9.7 kg. (n=5). The average length for males was 104 cm (n=10) and the average length for the females was 100 cm (n=5). Natural History_files/Bobcat Natural History.htm

As I check this out I am wondering if it was not just a large barn cat.
well, the reason they are called bobcats is that bobbed tail, which your guy doesn't have, so I'm thinking large barn cat, too. :)

I know that cat. Its Fifi, the neighbors are French.


I believe ya Scott. No worries mate.
Geez Louise. You slickers need to get out of the 7 story walk up more often. They are beautiful animals. But because they are more than your neighbor's tabby shouldn't be something to write home about.
Here's a video that starts out with a clip of a momma bobcat and her two babies as they walked by while we were sitting on our deck having breakfast. There also happens to be a few shots of a Citabria playing in the corn, as well. ;)

BTW, please don't grade my last landing. :redface:

I saw a mountain lion about about 1/2 mile from our house one time. The next day a deer hunter saw it walk under his deer stand on the other side of our tracks. He was so scared he wouldn't come down, and his friend had to go check on him to see what had happened to him.


The next day a deer hunter saw it walk under his deer stand on the other side of our tracks. He was so scared he wouldn't come down, and his friend had to go check on him to see what had happened to him.

I don't think moutin lions are bullet proof. :rofl:
I don't think moutin lions are bullet proof. :rofl:
Well, he was a city slicker and he was scared and it was BIG. :D He said it made a funny little growly, purring noise when it walked right under him, like it was talking to itself. He was scared. :yes:
Coyotes are all over. They are on the grounds at Millville (MIV). They occasionally get into New York City (from someplace else in NJ). I really don't know how they get across the river. Maybe take the PATH?:dunno:

There's a footpath across the GWB... maybe they trot across that in the wee hours. :D
Thy prob'ly are coming down from the east side of the river, through Dutchess Cty. The Hudson's only a creek if you look far enough north.

I've never seen a coyote in NYC, even in Queens or Inwood, but I've seen 'em up in Orange County, not 50 miles away. sometimes you see them crossing the NYS Thruway.