I can't be completely objective about either, since I'm a former (very recently) board member of CPA, have taken the ground class 3-4 times, and will be taking the NM course later this year (at least I plan to). The NMPA and CPA course are very close in concept and execution, but each is geared more to the area they fly. CPA is more mid- and northern Colorado, NMPA is northern NM and southern CO. Since you're more interested in the Creede area, I'd recommend the NMPA course. It's also cheaper. Both plan, weather permitting, to land at Leadville so you can get your certificate for landing at the highest paved airport in CONUS. Leadville also has some of the cheapest avgas in Colorado!
Type-specific variations of the CPA course has been run for Cirrus and others, by the CPA mountain crew, BTW. Sorry, you've already missed the 1 hour version offered today (Mon July 22) at OSH in the FAA tent by the director of the program. This is the 5 or 6th year he's been invited by the FAA to speak on high-altitude airport flying.