When I had to do very similar training at KBED, they had a cheesy video showing you how to challenge someone. Basically, it was saying "may I please see your ID?", and if they refused you were required to call airport security and let them know.
Thanks for the info.
The thing that bothers me about this is that if there is a realistic possibility of encountering a terrorist in this manner, then you're opening yourself up to the possibility of getting killed, and if there isn't a realistic possibility, then the whole program has no reason to exist.
Some have pointed out that dying to stop a terrorist attack is worth it, but if the terrorists kill you for discovering they don't have a badge, most likely they will just hide the body and continue with their plans, so your death will have been a waste.
What I want to know -- will we ever get this baloney at KPAO? I'm still amused by the new gates they installed. Very robust gates, code locks, with the codes being top secret (I don't know anyone who knows the codes). Fortunately, they are only 3' tall, so most adult-sized people can reach over and open them trivially...
Yeah, I've been meaning to take a picture of one of those gates and post it. I had the combination at one time, but I've long since forgotten it since there is no need for it.
I don't think we can assume that any airport is safe from the SS, oops, I mean TSA, because they seem to be determined to achieve absolute security, which is impossible. When it comes to areas of aviation they don't have much experience with, such as GA, their proposals and plans suggest that they have no clue as to what is a realistic risk and what isn't, nor what is likely to be an effective countermeasure.
Anyone who thinks the TSA is going to be reasonable needs to face up to the fact that they're requiring background checks for MULE DRIVERS, for Pete's sake. So what's the payload of a mule, and how does it compare to my Honda Civic? What's next, requiring badges and escorts before you can get out of your car at a gas station? I bet it would only take a couple of suicide bombings at gas stations before they started kicking that idea around.
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